FITS to total DR rate coefficients for H-like ions.
Original paper: Badnell A&A 447, 389 (2006).

10/02/05 Original web release.
The fits of the total DR rate coefficients (of the adf09 files) of Badnell.
The fits are essentially valid over the entire ADAS z-scaled range of 
10*z^2 - 10^7*z^2 K, where z is the residual charge of the electron target.

Replaced all adf09 files with new run using more accurate description
of Rydberg and continuum orbitals. Only He+, Li2+ totals increase significantly,
by factors of 2.2 and 1.4. By Be3+ and B4+ it drops to 1.2 and 1.15.
Thereafter the change varies between +10% and -5%.
Fits to the totals have been updated for the first 4 ions.