Atomic and Molecular Diagnostic Processes in Plasmas


Photoionization data for plasma modelling

N. R. Badnell, M. A. Bautista, K. Butler, F. Delahaye, C. Mendoza, P. Palmeri, C. J. Zeippen and M. J. Seaton Up-dated opacities from the Opacity Project. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 360 459-64 (2005).

M. J. Seaton and N. R. Badnell. A comparison of Rosseland-mean opacities from OP and OPAL. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 354 457-65 (2004).

N. R. Badnell and M. J. Seaton On the importance of inner-shell transitions for opacity calculations J. Phys.B36 4367-85 (2003).

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