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Atomic and Molecular Diagnostic Processes in Plasmas |
N. R. Badnell and C. Y. Zhang A FAC potential for AUTOSTRUCTURE. Eur. Phys. J. D 78, 84(7) (2024).
G. Del Zanna, N. R. Badnell and P. J. Storey Satellite lines from autoionizing states of Fe XVI and the problems with the X-ray Fe XVII lines. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 532, 305-21 (2024).
N. E. McElroy, C. A. Ramsbottom, C. P. Ballance, N. R. Badnell, M. G. O'Mullane, S. D. Loch and E. N. Williamson Atomic structure, electron-impact excitation and collisional-radiative modelling for Ar II. JQSRT 325, 109080 (2024).
T. W. Gorczyca, C. P. Ballance, M. F. Hasoğlu, N. R. Badnell, S. T. Manson, and D. W. Savin Photoionization of atomic ssodium near threshold. Phys. Rev. A 109, 053102(7) (2024).
C. Y. Zhang, S. J. Wu, K. Wang, R. Si, K. Yao, Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, X. W. Ma, C. Y. Chen and N. R. Badnell Effect of electron correlation on trielectronic recombination rate coefficients for Be-like argon. Phys. Rev. A 108, 022801(13) (2023).
N. Vieira, J. J. Ruan, D. Haggard, N. Ford, M. R. Drout, R. Fernández and N. R. Badnell Spectroscopic r-process abundance retrieval for Kilonovae. I. The inferred abundance pattern of early emission from GW170817. Astrophys. J. 944, 123(27) (2023).
J. Mao, N. R. Badnell and G. Del Zanna R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the H- and He-like ions with $Z=6-30$. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 263, 35(21) (2022).
E. A. Bleda, Z. Altun and N. R. Badnell Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas. XVI. The phosphorous isoelectronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 668, A72(12) (2022).
F. Delahaye, C. P. Ballance, R. T. Smyth and N. R. Badnell Quantitative comparison of opacities calculated using the R-matrix and Distorted-Wave methods: Fe~XVII. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 508, 421-31 (2021).
J. Mao, N. R. Badnell and G. Del Zanna R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the O-like iso-electronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 653, A81(14) (2021).
N. R. Badnell, F. Guzmán, S. Brodie, R. J. R. Williams, P. A. M. van Hoof, M. Chatzikos and G. J. Ferland H, He-like recombination spectra IV: clarification and refinement of methodology for l-changing collisions. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 507, 2922-9 (2021).
R. P. Dufresne, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell The influence of photo-induced processes and charge transfer on carbon and oxygen in the lower solar atmosphere. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 503, 1976-86 (2021).
W. Q. Wen, Z. K. Huang, S. X. Wang, N. Khan, H. B. Wang, C. Y. Chen, C. Y. Zhang, S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell, W. L. Ma, D. Y. Chen, X. Liu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, J. Li, X. M. Ma, M. T. Tang, D. Y. Yin, W. Q. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, J. C. Yang, L. F. Zhu and X. Ma Electron-ion recombination rate coefficients of C-like 40Ca14+. Astrophys. J. 905, 36(8) (2020).
J. Mao, N. R. Badnell and G. Del Zanna R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the N-like iso-electronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 643, A95(13) (2020).
Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, S. X. Wang, N. Khan, H. B. Wang, C. Y. Chen, C. Y. Zhang, S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell, W. L. Ma, X. Liu, D. Y. Chen, X. L. Zhu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, J. Li, X. M. Ma, J. Li, M. T. Tang, R. S. Mao, D. Y. Yin, W. Q. Yang, J. C. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, L. F. Zhu and X. Ma Absolute rate coefficients for dielctronic recombination of Na-like 40Kr25+. Phys. Rev. A 102, 062823(11) (2020).
L. Fernández-Menchero, A. C. Conroy, C. P. Ballance, N. R. Badnell, D. M. Mitnik, T. W. Gorczyca and M. J. Seaton PSTGF: Time-independent R-matrix atomic electron-impact code. Comput. Phys. Commun. 256, 107489(14) (2020).
G. Del Zanna, P. J. Storey, N. R. Badnell and V. Andretta Helium line emissivities in the Solar Corona. Astrophys. J. 898, 72(15) (2020).
R. P. Dufresne, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Effects of density on the oxygen ionization equilibrium in collisional plasmas. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 497, 1443-56 (2020).
M. J. Temple, G. J. Ferland, A. L. Rankine, P. C. Hewett, N. R. Badnell, C. P. Ballance, G. Del Zanna and R. P. Dufresne Fe III emission in quasars: evidence for a dense turbulent medium. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 496, 2565-76 (2020).
J. Mao, N. R. Badnell and G. Del Zanna R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the C-like iso-electronic sequence Astron. Astrophys. 634, A7(13) (2020).
F. Guzmán, M. Chatzikos, P. A. M. van Hoof, Dana S. Balser, M. Dehghanian, N. R. Badnell and G. J. Ferland H, He-like recombination spectra III: n-changing collisions in highly-excited Rydberg states and their impact on the radio, IR and optical recombination lines. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 486, 1003-18 (2019).
G. Del Zanna, L. Fernández-Menchero and N. R. Badnell Uncertainties on atomic data. A case study: N IV. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 484, 4754-9 (2019).
S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell and M. G. O'Mullane Dielectronic recombination of lanthanide and low ionization state tungsten ions: W13+ to W1+. J. Phys. B 52, 025201(16) (2019).
F. Delahaye, N. R. Badnell, C. P. Ballance, P. Palmeri, S. Preval, P. Quinet, C. Ramsbottom, R. T. Smyth, M. Turkington, and C. J. Zeippen A quantitative comparison of opacities calculated using the distorted-wave and R-matrix methods. ASP Conference Series 515, 69-78 (2018).
D. Nikolić, T. W. Gorczyca, K. T. Korista, M. Chatzikos, G. Ferland, F. Guzmán, P. A. M. van Hoof, R. J. R. Williams and N. R. Badnell Suppression of dielectronic recombination due to finite density effects. II. Analytical refinement and application to density-dependent ionization balances and AGN broad-line emission. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 237, 41(14) (2018).
S. X. Wang, X. Xu, Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, H. B. Wang, N. Khan, S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell, S. Schippers, S. Mahmood, L. J. Dou, X. Y. Chuai, D. M. Zhao, X. L. Zhu, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, M. T. Tang, D. Y. Yin, J. C. Yang, X. Ma and L. F. Zhu Electron-ion recombination rate coefficients of Be-like 40Ca16+. Astrophys. J. 862, 134(7) (2018).
Z. K. Huang, W. Q. Wen, X. Xu, S. Mahmood, S. X. Wang, H. B. Wang, L. J. Dou, N. Khan, N. R. Badnell, S. P. Preval, S. Schippers, T. H. Xu, Y. Yang, K. Yao, W.Q. Xu, X. Y. Chuai, X. L. Zhu, D. M. Zhao, L. J. Mao, X. M. Ma, J. Li, R. S. Mao, Y. J. Yuan, B. Wu, L. N. Sheng, J. C. Yang, L. F. Zhu and X. Ma Dielectronic and trielectronic recombination rate coefficients of Be-like Ar14+. Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 235, 2(8) (2018).
J. Kaur, T. W. Gorczyca and N. R. Badnell Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas. XV. The silicon isoelectronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 610, A41(9) (2018).
S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell and M. G. O'Mullane Dielectronic recombination of the open 4d-shell of tungsten: W$37+ to W28+. J. Phys. B 51, 045004(12) (2018).
D.-H. Kwon, W. Lee, S. Preval, C. P. Ballance, E. Behar, J. Colgan, C. J. Fontes, T. Nakano, B. Li, X. Ding, C. Z. Dong, Y. B. Fu, N. R. Badnell, M. O'Mullane, H.-K. Chung and B. J. Braams Iso-nuclear tungsten dielectronic recombination rates for use in magnetically-confined fusion plasmas. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 119, 250-62 (2018)
G. J. Ferland, M. Chatzikos, F. Guzmán, M. L. Lykins, P. A. M. van Hoof, R. J. R. Williams, N. P. Abel, N. R. Badnell, F. P. Keenan, R. L. Porter and P. C. Stancil The 2017 Release of CLOUDY. Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. 53, 385-438 (2017)
R. J. R. Williams, F. Guzmán, N. R. Badnell, P. A. M. van Hoof, M. Chatzikos and G. J. Ferland Thermodynamically-consistent semi-classical l-changing rates. J. Phys. B 50, 115201(9) (2017).
S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell and M. G. O'Mullane Partial and total dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for W55+ to W38+. J. Phys. B 50, 105201(17) (2017).
F. Guzmán, N. R. Badnell, M. Chatzikos, P. A. M. van Hoof, R. J. R. Williams and G. J. Ferland Testing atomic collision theory with the two-photon continuum of astrophysical nebulae. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 467, 3944-50 (2017).
J. Mao, J. Kaastra and N. R. Badnell The electron energy loss rate due to radiative recombination. Astron. Astrophys. 599, A10(8) (2017).
C. Krantz, N. R. Badnell}, A. Müller, S. Schippers and A. Wolf Recombination of open-f-shell tungsten ions. J. Phys. B 50, 052001(11) (2017).
S. P. Preval, M. A. Barstow, N. R. Badnell, I. Hubeny and J. B. Holberg Hot DA white dwarf model atmosphere calculations: including improved Ni PI cross sections. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 465, 269-80 (2017).
F. Guzmán, N. R. Badnell, R. J. R. Williams, P. A. M. van Hoof, M. Chatzikos and G. J. Ferland H, He-like recombination spectra II: l-changing collisions for He Rydberg states. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 464, 312-20 (2017).
L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Scaling of collision strengths for highly-excited states of ions of the H- and He-like sequences. Astron. Astrophys. 592, A135(9) (2016).
N. R. Badnell, K. Spruck, C. Krantz, O. Novotný, A. Becker, D. Bernhardt, M. Grieser, M. Hahn, R. Repnow, D. W. Savin, A. Wolf, A. Müller and S. Schippers Recombination of W19+ ions with electrons: Absolute rate coefficients from a storage-ring experiment and from theoretical calculations. Phys. Rev. A 93, 052703(6) (2016).
F. Guzmán, N. R. Badnell, R. J. R. Williams, P. A. M. van Hoof, M. Chatzikos and G. J. Ferland H, He-like recombination spectra I: l-changing collisions for hydrogen. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 459, 3498-504 (2016).
S. P. Preval, N. R. Badnell and M. G. O'Mullane Partial and total dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for W73+ to W56+. Phys. Rev. A 93, 042703(13) (2016).
N. R. Badnell, G. Del Zanna, L. Fernández-Menchero, A. S. Giunta, G. Y. Liang, H. E. Mason and P. J. Storey Atomic processes for astrophysical plasmas. J. Phys. B 49, 094001(9) (2016).
L. Fernández-Menchero, A. S. Giunta, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Importance of the completeness of the configuration interaction and close coupling expansions in R-matrix calculations for highly-charged ions: electron-impact excitation of Fe20+. J. Phys. B 49, 085203(11) (2016).
G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Atomic data and density diagnostics for S IV. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 456, 3720-8 (2016).
G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Atomic data for astrophysics: Ni XII. Astron. Astrophys. 585, A118(8) (2016).
G. Del Zanna, N. R. Badnell, L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Y. Liang, H. E. Mason and P. J. Storey On the validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Fe XIV. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 454, 2909-17 (2015).
M. M. Bluteau, M. G. O'Mullane and N. R. Badnell Dirac R-matrix and Breit--Pauli distorted wave calculations of the electron-impact excitation of W44+. J. Phys. B 48, 195701(18) (2015).
L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Validity of the ICFT R-matrix method: Be-like Al9+ a case study. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 450, 4174-83 (2015).
L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Resolution of the forbidden (J=0 → 0) excitation puzzle in Mg-like ions. Astron. Astrophys. 577, A95(10) (2015).
N. R. Badnell, G. J. Ferland, T. W. Gorczyca, D. Nikolić, and G. A. Wagle Bootstrapping dielectronic recombination from second-row elements and the Orion Nebula. Astrophys. J. 804, 100(10) (2015).
G. Del Zanna, L. Fernández-Menchero and N. R. Badnell Benchmarking atomic data for astrophysics: Si III. Astron. Astrophys. 574 A99(11) (2015).
L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the Mg-like iso-electronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 572 A115(10) (2014).
G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell Atomic data for astrophysics: improved collision sterngths for Fe VIII. Astron. Astrophys. 570 A56(9) (2014).
K. Spruck, N. R. Badnell, C. Krantz, O. Novotný, A. Becker, D. Bernhardt, M. Grieser, M. Hahn, R. Repnow, D. W. Savin, A. Wolf, A. Müller, and S. Schippers Recombination of W18+ ions with electrons: Absolute rate coefficeints froma storage-ring experiment and from theoretical calculations. Phys. Rev. A 90, 032715(10) (2014).
P. J. Storey, T. Sochi and N. R. Badnell Collision strengths for nebular [O III] optical and infrared lines. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 441 3028-39 (2014).
G. Del Zanna, P.J. Storey and N.R. Badnell Atomic data for astrophysics: Ni XI. Astron. Astrophys. 566 A123(7) (2014).
L. Fernández-Menchero, G. Del Zanna and N. R. Badnell R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for the Be-like iso-electronic sequence. Astron. Astrophys. 566 A104(11) (2014).
M. Hahn, N. R. Badnell, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, A. Müller, O. Novotný, R. Repnow, S. Schippers, A. Wolf, and D. W. Savin Electron-ion recombination of Fe12+ forming Fe11+: Laboratory measurements and theoretical calculations. Astrophys. J. 788 46(7) (2014).
G. Del Zanna, P. J. Storey, N. R. Badnell and H. E. Mason Atomic data for the astrophysics: Fe IX. Astron. Astrophys. 565 A77(11) (2014).
N. R. Badnell} and C. P. Ballance Electron-impact excitation of Fe2+: a comparison of intermediate coupling frame transformation, Breit-Pauli and Dirac R-matrix calculations. Astrophys. J. 785 99(5) (2014).
D. Kasen, N. R. Badnell, and J. Barnes Opacities and spectra of the r-process ejecta from compact object mergers. Astrophys. J. 774 25(13) (2013).
Complete bibliography for N. R. Badnell.