This file contains a running commentary on updates to all R-matrix related codes - maintained by NRB - 13/04/22 stgicf (4.6), stgicfdamp (4.6) *************************************** FDIP (top-up) routines were called for all J for printing CC vs CBe partial omegas, despite default print level being off. This could be problematic for fine energy mesh and/or low-J (FDIP2 failure). Only call FDIP now if print level asks for it or if it is actually required for top-up. Could still cause a problem on the coarse energy mesh, if unlucky. Overflow in FDIP2 is now trapped. *** stgf suite only ever called FDIP when top-up was required. *** TBD: update stgf suite's FDIP2, for safety. 29/06/21 ******** Removed tabs. Incremented all version numbers. 07/10/20 stgb (2.20), stgbb (2.7), stgbf (2.16) *********************************************** Deeply-closed channels coding introduced in 16/06/97 stgb (2.10) did not pass outer-region channel normalization XVECT to the B-files. Consequently, 09/07/97 stgbf (2.7) was incorrectly normalized for such deeply-closed channels 19/11/99 stgbb (2.6) was incorrectly normalized for such deeply-closed channels from there-on until now. (Earlier versions just zeroed-out such channels.) stgb now passes XVECT on an existing record so older/other codes ignore it. Also, stgbb,stgbf check for presence of XVECT and if not found (old B-files) then zero-out any deeply-channels in the outer region. Note, stgb cannot zero-out such channels without crashing if MZPTS & AC allow a sufficiently large RTWO. This the reason for moving-in. (And to include such outer-region contributions.) N.B. Dates are approx, versions are not. 23/10/19 stgicf (4.5), stgicfdamp (4.5) *************************************** Attempt to correct JMNTWO (22/06/19) was incorrect. If JMNTWO was correct and even, fine. But it tried to change it if was odd and correct. 16/10/19 stgicf (4.5), stgicfdamp (4.5) *************************************** Fixed bug (mixed type in intrinsic MOD) which caused gfortran to fail to compile, introduced by previous fix 22/06/19. 22/06/19 stgicf (4.5), stgicfdamp (4.5) *************************************** Attempt to correct JMNTWO if mis-aligned with total spin viz one half-integer the other integer. 20/06/19 omgmrg.f ***************** Now checks that symmetries match. omadd does this, but is needed in omgmrg as well so as to catch a mis-match between AUTOSTRUCTURE OMGINF file and R-matrix OMEGA. 18/06/19 omadd.f **************** Missed a de-allocate when points being dropped. 12/06/19 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** If user sets MZLMX=2, as they should, to reduce memory (since stgf by default only includes dipole & quadrupole perturbing potentials) then LS top-up in large-L will fail because a secondary dimension is using MZLMX to "determine" the max target orbital l. Now "hardwired" for a max l=4 and quietly drop any higher. This top-up in large-L is v. small and not done in the level resolved case. 08/06/19 stg2r 3.7 ****************** Suppress false *** WARNING: MIXED EXCHANGE & NON-EXCHANGE RUN! in RELOP='TCC' run. 04/06/19 omadd.f **************** Coding below only worked if infinite energy point was on file1 (array out of bounds.) 09/01/19 Utility codes ********************** All web-based utility codes which process the OMEGA file: om2omu.f, omu2om.f, omr2omc.f, omc2omr.f, omgmrg.f, omgmrgp.f, omadd.f, omorder.f (= omreduce.f), omgcmp.f, omsumps.f, xtrct.f are now fully allocatable, all dimensions determined by OMEGA. Also, treatment of non-default elastic transitions has been made consistent throughout the suite, at least as far is as possible for codes with no user input, see below. If the number of transitions has been restricted by the user (beyond +/- elastic) and elastic is not default, then user must flag so. Currently, this is not possible for om2omu.f, omu2om.f, omr2omc.f, omc2omr.f - so don't restrict if you need to use these! 13/12/18 stg1r (1.4) ******************** Changed LAMAX default from 2*MAXLA to LAMAX=2 since p/stgf default is to ignore .gt.2. Helpful for R-matrix script since it does not set LAMAX explicitly. For codes compiled with MZLMX=2, p/stg2/3/r ignore .gt. 2, but p/stg1/r does not, of course. 07/12/18 stgicf (4.5), stgicfdamp (4.5) *************************************** Broke-up an IF statement (in sr.rdlsne) into two parts, for compilers that accessed the second part even when the first part terminated the IF (the second part has array out of bounds if evaluated then). 17/08/18 adasexj 3.17 ********************* Did not correctly copy header of CA adf04_om to adf04_ups - AS CADW. 18/08/17 stgicf (4.5), stgicfdamp (4.5) *************************************** Default TCC operation "changed" so that the term energies in TCCDW.DAT are always matched against those in term.dat so as to determine the CC terms. Previously, the user had to edit TCCDW.DAT to flag such, e.g. for use with CC terms interspersed with CI/correlation terms. Only all CC below all CI was automatic since energies in term.dat not read by default, only the number of CC terms. Since energy matching is not an issue (or should not be) since both files use energies determined by R-matrix, "unnecessary" matching when all CC below CI is outweighed by being able to handle the mixed case without user intervention, i.e. can be used more generally with R-matrix Script - see related KCUT development below. Note, if for some reason, the user wants to revert to ignoring term.dat energies, remove term.dat file and enter its no. of CC terms (NTLS) as NTLSRD in TCCDW.DAT. 17/08/17 stgjk 2.28 ******************* KCUT selection did not work correctly on more complex cases. 16/08/17 stg2r 3.7 ****************** MSYM(MZNC1->MZTAR) array out of bounds, only when writing term energies case TCC/BP (as NAST gets expanded to all), but could overwrite memory... 24/07/17 stgjk 2.28 ******************* Added KCUT (and TOLB) option to &STGJB as per stg2. 24/07/17 stg2r 3.7 ****************** Updated to work correctly with RELOP="TCC" - CI expansion gets expanded to become CC, but minimal user list is the necessary symmetries, as before, i.e. KCUT has no effect. 20/07/17 stg2r 3.7 ****************** If correlation (CI) terms lie below spectroscopic CC terms then the user has to specify their skipping, either individually via ISKIP, or via energy ranges such as ESKPL, ESKPH, ECORR. This can be tedious. In addition, the R-matrix script uses the AS KCUT to flag a CC config subset of the full CI expansion. This writes only the CC terms to TERMS which is then used to construct dstg2. This "assumes" that ALL spec. (CC) terms lie below ALL correlation terms, of same symmetry. If not, stgicf likely will give an error, but BPRM... Now, if user (or script) sets the AS KCUT in the dstg2 NAMELIST STG2B then sr.stg2rd assumes the TERMS file has been used to construct the symmetry list in dstg2 and also reads the target energies (and the preceding two intger columns - free-formatted). The CC terms are then selected in sr.bound by matching to the energies in TERMS of the same symmetry, to within TOLB Ryd, which the user can adjust as necessary - default = 5.e-4 Ryd. This all assumes that the configuration number is a good quantum number. Occasionally, AS flags a TERM as correlation (and v.v.) which it clearly is not - it sits amongst a sea of spectroscopic. The user then must edit dstg2 manually to correct. Any ISKIP data is ignored - just list the term energies you want! 28/06/17 adasexj 3.16 ********************* Made dimension test operation INTEGER*8. 24/02/17 stg1r ************** Generate B-B and B-C dipole polarization integrals (SR.ONEELE) for non-core (i.e. non-B&W) orbitals - previously, only C-C were evaluated. 20/02/17 stg1r/stg2r/stgjk/stg3r ******************************** Pass MAXNCB through to all (inner) stages, for test purposes - serial only. 08/02/17 stg1r/stg2r/stgjk ************************** TEC version now on web - see below. (Delayed as had not been ported into the parallel codes until recently.) 12/10/16 stg2r 3.6 ****************** Flag direct access usage (memory need) in sr.setmx1. Previously, only sr.chektp usage (for RK.DAT) was flagged. 07/04/15 adasexj 3.16 ********************* Factor 2 missing from characteristic temperature of Juttner relativistic correction to Maxwellian distribution: Ryd vs a.u. 07/04/15 stgbf0damp (4.7) ************************* Minor (TWG): clarified comments about continuum normalization and corresponding PI coefficient. Use a more accurate value for the fine-structure constant, overall coefficient changes by <0.1%. 13/02/15 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** 28/10/14 development could go into an infinite loop for l=0: RZERO/2 got reset to RZERO and could not satisfy .lt. RZERO/3 to go no further after RZERO/4. This reset occurred when the phase was ~zero and the code attempted to use a large step - not particularly numerically accurate either. Now ensure new start is not reset so, and limit "large" step to improve accuracy in such cases. 04/11/14 stg3r (3.5) ******************** Buttle correction to dipole matrices: ABUT* and BBUT* (*=L and V). Original coding of DMAT is consistent with their use by prebf. When someone split this into DMAT, DMAT1 (original DMAT) and DMAT2, the roles of ABUT and BBUT got reversed in DMAT2 wrt the the original DMAT (now DMAT1) operation and their WRITE in the new DMAT. To handle this, reverse ABUT and BBUT in the CALL DMAT2. This changes the content of the Dnm files! Note, a different approach is taken for the parallel implementation (pstgd_dip). Unlike EIE, the Buttle correction to the dipole matrices is small - the original work by Yu Yan predated DMAT2. In fact, the role reversal of ABUT and BBUT (essentially applying the initial state Buttle correction to the final state and vice versa) does not change the size of the effect. Only prebf (for stgbf) has the capability to use these dipole corrections. Because they are small, (OP) production work omited them. The radiation damped codes cannot make any use of them - the reads simply skip over them. 28/10/14 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** Case MQDT, large box, if s and c function series evaluation fails to converge then moves inside box to 1.2*RINF (inner turning point), but for l>0 only. For l=0, went to RZERO/2. If really large box then this is too large still e.g. half an n=8 box is still larger than an n=5 box. Now allow for a second halving if first fails to converge, i.e. tries RZERO/4, but no more. Note on non-MQDT operation with large box: when closed channel outer region (theta) solution is too large for outer region grid (i.e. outer turning point .gt. "MZPTS") determines s and c at RZERO and forms theta from appropriate lin. comb. prior to outward integration if needed (PERT='YES'). BUT, if s and c fail to converge (likely!) does *NOT* move inside box (different coding) and so drops channel. So, ensure MZPTS large enough to determine all "necessary" n. E.g. 1200 is likely not enough points, 10000 is better (slower). For an n=5 box there should be sufficient convergence of s and c for these points not to be an issue. 23/10/14 stg2r 3.5 ****************** Added to ensure e-vectors are written, needed for TECs in stgjk. 07/10/14 adasexj 3.16 ********************* Minor: do not attempt to determine forbidden high energy behaviour when collision strength is identically zero. (IRMPS=-1 was workaround.) 16/09/14 stgicf (4.4), stgicfdamp (4.4) *************************************** Attempt to fix long standing problem of synchronizing non/ordering of near degenerate terms betweem TCCDW.DAT and term.dat (i.e. TCCs and K-matrices). SR.ORDER does not re-order if within 1.D-7, but this was a.u. in the inner region and Ryd in the outer region. Now compensated-for. Exact degeneracy (to 7 d.p.) was/is not a problem, and so remains a manual fix. 26/08/14 adasexj 3.13-15 ************************ Relativistic Juttner correction factor applied to electron distribution if (Default=0, off.) Can read, interpolate and convolute AS-DW/PWB type-5 files, if detected. Default binned energy mesh adjusted to be (i) more efficient for small resonance regions (ii) more accurate at low-T, esp. for small kappa. No longer writes a file called "adf04", rather adf04_om and/or adf04_ups, as appropriate. Forbidden transitions default returned to 1/E^alpha extrapolation. (alpha=2 was forced to avoid additional source differences when comparing binned/non-binned etc.) Numerous other (under the bonnet) improvements. 01/08/14 adasexj 3.10-12 ************************ If then use Druyvesteyn distribution, instead of the default Maxwellian. 17/07/14 adasexj 3.8/9 ********************** If then use a Kappa distribution, instead of the default Maxwellian. 12/07/14 adasexj 3.7 ******************** NSTATES.LT.0 enables read (back in) of a (type 5) binned collision strength adf04 file. (Ideally, written by adasexj...) Currently, the actual value is not used, just the sign. (It needs NBIN=0, the default, since this flags what is to be calculated and written, not what is being read.) Only the NAMELIST is read. Any of the "usual" subsequent data is ignored, currently. This development removes any dependence on the original OMEGA file, which can be siloed. It reads from adf04_om (so mv adf04 adf04_om) and writes to adf04_ups (sound familiar?) Note, all bin energies are now chosen pre-rounded to 3 s.f. so that no error is introduced into the bin widths on reading the bin energies. (So, do not read a binned adf04 file written by an earlier version, e.g. 3.5.) Not averaging (the binned collision strengths) over the bin width in the first place is an alternative strategy, but then if someone does a quadrature on the tabulated "collision strengths"... 03/07/14 adasexj 3.x (x=1-6) **************************** Generates an adf04 file of binned collision strengths, from an RM OMEGA file, at a set of final (scattered electron) bin energies (so, type 5). Default (NBIN=0) gives the usual convoluted upsilons without binning. Set |NBIN|.NE.0 for the binned output. NBIN.LT.0 usefully, in addition, loops back-up and convolutes the binned collision strengths, and writes them to the end of the same adf04 file, after the binned data. You can then compare with the NBIN=0 run. If you use NBIN=+1 or -1 to bin then the code resets |NBIN| to a reasonable value. A likely suitable energy mesh is set-up by default (STC): C NBIN -- .GT. 0 NUMBER OF LOGARITHMIC SPACED BIN ENERGIES. C .LT. 0 LOOP BACK-UP AND CONVOLUTE BINNED (NBIN=-NBIN). C IF |NBIN| .LT. 10 THEN INTERNALLY RESET TO 101. C DEFAULT: 0 (NO BINNED DATA) C C EMIN,MAX-- ENERGY RANGE OF NBIN. C DEFAULTS: TKADAS(1)/5, ENAST(NSTATES) (UNSCALED RYD) C C NLIN -- NUMBER OF LINEARLY SPACED BIN ENERGIES TO FOLLOW LOG. C DEFAULT: INITIALLY, ALL ALLOWED BY DIMENSION. THIS IS C REDUCED SUBSEQUENTLY WHEN THE LAST ENERGY IS C KNOWN FROM THE omega FILE. C C DELIN -- LINEAR STEP. C DEFAULT: THE LAST STEP OF THE LOG BIN ENERGIES. C C MAXE -- FINAL BIN ENERGY. ONLY USED IF DELIN.EQ.0. C DEFAULT: 0 (NOT USED THEN) See comments at start of code for further details. 23/06/14 adasexj 2.x ( x=1-11) ****************************** Complete rewrite. Removed all legacy code (e.g. least squares fits). Can reproduce default results of v1.11. Non-standard energy meshes may give somewhat different results for high-T forbidden transitions. Present results equally valid. Added NLOWMN, NLOWMX, NUPMN, NUPMX -- can be used to restrict output to a subset of transitions from lower states between NLOWMN & NLOWMX to upper states between NUPMN & NUPMX. Default: all inelastic. Merged adasex branching. Flag LS via ITCC=-1. 20/05/14 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** An unfortunate user choice of MINLT in BP/DARC operation could cause all to be omitted. Basically, 11-20 (non-MQDT) or 16-30 (MQDT), for default ISKP0. 12/03/14 stgjk (2.36) ********************* Implement AS TEC operation (ISHFTLS etc). 18/12/13 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** Use theta for hybrid MQDT for, not just now sets appropriate value for IOMSW. FNUMIN only operates on S & C QDT channels, not theta. 24/09/13 adasexj (1.11) *********************** Fixes for pure algebraic jK-recoupling (ITCC=0). 18/09/13 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** Fixes for MQDT operation: do not step too far inside the box else integrating away from c-function divergence; do not switch to K-matrix pert too soon - low channel-l can occur on high total-L in complex atoms. 24/07/13 stgicf (4.4), stgicfdamp (4.4) *************************************** Added TOLCC option to drop TCCs involving CC terms whose abs (All TCCs are automatically dropped involving terms only in the CI expansion.) 19/07/13 stgicf (4.4), stgicfdamp (4.4) *************************************** Added new BLAS coding to MQDTK,TMTRIX & ZMQDTK,ZSMTRX. (Increases memory somewhat, see notes in said routines if need to revert.) 26/06/13 stgjk (2.25) ********************* Wrong dimension tested in COPYTP: AIJ is MZNC1, not MXNC1. 25/06/13 stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ****************************************** BLAS version now uses DGEMM in SR.RINIT (as stgf below, 20/06/13). Also SR.ZMQDTK and SR.PIABSK (stgbf0damp). ***Note: a BLAS version of SR.ZRMAT has also been implemented, but not fully tested and so it is not part of the public distribution (guinea pigs welcome.) 25/06/13 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** SR.PETKMX and PETTMX now have BLAS coding for all IPERT/IQDT options. Also, switch DSYMM to DGEMM since we are not using the other half matrix for anything and the later is maybe 20% faster (it seems) likely due to simpler accesing of memory in the (full) matrix multiplcation, which is carried-out by both of course. 21/06/13 stgf (4.8) ******************* Further BLAS code for matrix multiply in SR.MQDTK. 20/06/13 stgf (4.8) ******************* BLAS version now uses DGEMM in SR.RINIT (like parallel) now that DGEMM is called repeatedly to carry-out half-matrix multiply by sub-block - do not need full WMAT transpose now. DGEMM from highly optimized libraries is much faster (>>2) than DDOT or DGEMV which can explicitly do the half-matrix multiply only. 16/06/13 stgf (4.8), stgfdamp (4.7), stgbf0damp (4.7) ***************************************************** ***IMPORTANT: the size of present day R-matrix calculations often leads to much larger box sizes than was historic. The determination of outer region solutions from Coulomb series at the box increasingly fails. This is particularly true for MQDT operation. The previous default was to drop channels for such failures as they were deemed to be deeply closed (i.e. classically forbidden). Now, the 09/10/08 option is the *default*, i.e. for such cases, move inside the box, where starting values can be determined and Numerov out to the box boundary. This is controlled by the IOMSW parameter. Old defaults: IOMSW=1 (, i.e. MQDT) IOMSW=0 (IQDT.le.0, i.e. non-MQDT) New defaults: IOMSW=11 (, i.e. MQDT) IOMSW=10 (IQDT.le.0, i.e. non-MQDT) 14/06/13 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** Catch an extreme case of overflow in MQDT long-range integerals. 12/06/13 hmerge *************** Re-vamped H.DAT concatenation program to handle an arbitrary mixture of H-files with or without headers, allow user to extract a subset of symmetries via IPWINIT, IPWFINAL and restrict the long range multipoles via LAMAX. Also fixed a bug (from PJS) when surface amplitudes were split - output H.DAT was flagged incorrectly because the split was "removed". Now, any split is passed thru unchanged, and flagged correctly. 06/06/13 stgicfdamp.f (4.4) *************************** Gailitis average was (always) incorrect for transitions from excited states. Attempt to catch pathological case of complex diagonalization of identity, used in Gailitis average. If DR was switched-on (non default) then electron-impact excitation cross sections were wrong - would not normally do this since the two processes optimally use very different energy meshes. 06/06/13 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** Attempt to catch pathological case of complex diagonalization of identity, used in Gailitis average. 23/05/13 stgf (4.7) ******************* Fix for SR.THETA generating negative Wronskian, case 27/03/13 omadd.f (1.12) *********************** If IDROP in use, then infinite energy point on FILE1 was lost. (Obvious failure.) 25/03/13 stg2r.f (3.5) ********************** RELOP='TCC' gave incorrect message about a mixed exchange and non-exchange run, when IDWOUT=2. 15/03/13 omadd.f (1.12) *********************** Now test for any mis-match between file2 and file1 energy meshes. (File2 must span file1.) Introduce IDROP for user (>0) or code (<0) to drop |IDROP| final energy points, excluding any infinite energy. 07/03/13 stg1r (2.39) ********************* Trivial: BASORB/FINDEE error message gave incorrect n-value to be treated as Lagrange orthogonalization. 08/11/11 adasexj (1.10), adasex (1.9) ************************************* 25/08/10 update did not work for new style (short) config strings. (KB) 10/05/11 omgmrgp.f, omgmrg.f, omu2om.f, omadd.f, omc2omr.f *********************************************************** If E0=ENAT(2) in stgf suite then may or may not get a threshold collision strength, depending on round-off. Post-processors assume present. This causes unformatted columnwise read to fail. Added "err=" to escape gracefully. But best to start E0 half an energy step below ENAT(2). 07/01/11 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** The 26/02/09 update for IMESH=3 now means that IMESH=3 prunes near-threshold energies by default for neutrals (as case IMESH=1). This is likely desirable, but there was no facility for the experienced/foolish user to override because ABVTHR and BELTHR (=0 effectively switches-off pruning) was (only) in the /MESH1/ NAMELIST. Now added to /MESH3/. IMESH=2 does not need to prune, by definition. 04/11/10 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** Array out-of-bounds if multipole dimension (MZLMX) less than no. input (LAMAX). This was caused by attempt to limit reads rather than stop, as in the past. 25/08/10 adasexj (1.10), adasex (1.9) ************************************* The configurations in the adasex/ support files were not Eissner or Standard Configuration format. This means that automatic ADAS processing was not possible. For adf04 to be integrated seamlessly with ADAS, changed AS configuration format write to Standard. Modified adasex/j.f so that they could read new style (as well as old style still) including extended range, which they couldn't do before. They just write what they read i.e. they do not covert old style to new. (Also, ported in the irates option from CPB.) 27/07/10 stgbf0damp (4.6) ************************* Port from parallel code for consistancy. 20/06/10 stgbf0damp (4.6) ************************* Tweak tolerances for MQDT to try and cope with breakdown of deeply-closded channel representation when Auger damping present. 20/06/10 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** Do not interpolate when IEQ=-1. (Unnecessary problems with IOMIT.) 21/05/10 stgf (4.7) ******************* Minor. 21/05/10 stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************** Floating point exception (divide by zero) for NTYP2OR radiation for deeply closed channels - effective quantum number <0.5 was rounded down to integer 0 - now skip. 10/04/10 stgicf (4.3) ********************* Elastic collision strengths "obviously" wrong. 16/02/10 stgicfdamp_blas (4.3) ****************************** A user set WORK*8 array for a BLAS routine should have been ZWORK*16. Once the number of open-channels was greater than half-dimensioned (NMCJ/2) then memory went out of bounds (but not array bounds). 08/10/09 stg2r (3.5), stglib (2.13) *********************************** Bug in LNOEX=-1 which affected monopole transitions. 04/09/09 stg1r (2.30) stg2r (3.5) ********************************* Allow LNOEX=-1 flag to switch-off all cont-cont exchange Slater interactions. If used at low-L, bound-cont 1- and 2-body interations are NOT switched-off. Best set in STG1B. Should only use MINLT, in STG2B, such that there are no bound-bound and bound-continuum contributions anyway (as is the case for the explict NX codes.) 02/09/09 stg2r (3.5) ******************** For total L .gt. LNOEX in LS-coupling, neglect exchange and form only the diagonal sub-blocks of the (N+1)-electron Hamiltonian for each target spin, since the off-diagonal blocks which couple different target spins for a given total spin are identically zero. (This mimics the behaviour of the explicit NX codes, without the heavy disc I/O.) Save for the highest total/target spin, the sub-blocks are roughly a factor of two smaller since only one, not two, target spins need to be considered. (The highest total spin was always "small" because only one target spin can contribute.) The total spin is flagged .lt. 0 as in the NX case. stg3r is transparent to this. stgf picks it up as with the NX codes. So, stgicf requires INOEXCH=1 to be set, as per NX, since it must re-construct the complete K-matrix for spin-orbit mixing. ("Obviously", exchange and non-exchange symmetries cannot be mixed in the same stg2r run for stgicf.) 01/09/09 stg1r (2.39), stg2r (3.5), stglib (2.13) ************************************************* Added LNOEX (the maximum exchange lambda multipole) to stg1r (&STG1B) and slightly, but critically, adjusted the usage of the corresponding variable in stg2r/stglib. Previously, if exchange integrals were "dropped" in stg1r due to inaccuracy, they were in fact merely zeroed-out. Memory was set aside to index/store them and their zero-value written to file. If LNOEX was set in stg2r, independent of whether they had been dropped in stg1r, then exchange multipoles were explicitly dropped in stg2r - no angular algebra was determined for them. Now, if LNOEX is set in stg1r then exchange multipole (integrals) .gt. LNOEX are explicitly never indexed, stored or written to file, and this value of LNOEX is passed to stg2r. stg2r now checks for consistency between LNOEX in stg2r and stg1r, but only if LNOEX was set in stg1r. Thus, IF you set LNOEX (in the new stg1r!) you MUST update stg2r *AND* stglib (because stglib is where LNOEX is used, and LNOEX was interpreted slightly differently there because of its original introduction in association with STGDW and IDWOUT.) Otherwise, the codes are backwards compatible. Note, for a given total orbital angular momentum L, then the exchange multipoles are L, L+/-1,... So, dropping exchange multipoles .gt. LNOEX is approximately the same as dropping exchange at L .gt. LNOEX. (Since exchange should be negligible when it is dropped, the presence or absence of a multipole or two either side of LNOEX is ignorable. In the case of STGDW it was implemented more rigorously. CC has hijacked LNOEX, but its usage differs slightly from DW hence the slight hand-waving. The root issue is the fact that Slater integrals are computed independent of total L, as indeed is the initial angular algebra before its recoupling, i.e. the total L is not known when the decision to in/exclude is made.) 27/08/09 stglib (2.13) ********************** Fix GENSUM INTEGER*4 bug (carry-over from DARC). 12/08/09 stg1nx.f (1.11) ************************ Trivial format expansion for large dimension problems. 26/02/09 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** For IMESH=3, implement same set-up as IMESH=1 for MQDT: case when a fine mesh is generated externally, rather than the odd (coarse) energy, as per MCW's "tree" method. 22/12/08 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** Fix for case where initial step H is zero (divide by zero). 15/12/08 stgb (2.19) ******************** Read blocked WMAT from pstg3r. 28/11/08 stg2nx (1.11) ********************** FINDER failed to find basis orbital with correct nodes for large box size. Re-sync'ed with stg1r FINDER which did work. 09/10/08 stgf (4.7), stgfdamp (4.6), stgbf0damp (4.6) ***************************************************** For deeply closed-channels, series solution of unphysical s- and c-functions can fail to converge at RZERO (especially K-shell holes) and these channels are then omitted from MQDT operation. Now, code can move inwards and try again and if converged Numerov back out to RZERO. This is the new default operation for stgbf0damp with Auger damping - which is the only case where it has been noticed to make a difference so far - else operates as before in stgf etc. Can switch-on the new operation elsewise by setting IOMSW=11,10,-11 instead of 1,0,-1, respectively. "Recall", IOMSW=1 is default (except stgbf0damp now where it is 11, when which drops MQDT channels with IOMSW=0 (or 10) attempts to include, but this can (eventually) run into linear dependence problems and so there is the hybrid method (IOMSW=-1,-11). See Gorczyca and Badnell JPB v33, pp2511-23 (2000) for a detailed study. ***It is not recommended that the user change MOD(IOMSW,10) from the default. 09/10/08 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Archive accumulated changes. 10/08/08 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Output DARC K-mx for differential code. 01/08/08 stg1r v2.38 ******************** Keith (KAB) intoduced FINDEE in v2.37 for cases where FINDER failed. But, FINDEE did not check for correct number of nodes. 07/07/08 stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************** A do-loop indexing bug was introduced into ZRMAT on first moving from v4.2 to v4.3 datestamped 22/03/04 and was still present in all v4.4 and the early v4.5. A partial correction was made to v4.5 dated 14/01/06. It has now been fully-corrected and reproduces v4.2 results. Prior to the first correction, the bug led to array out-of-bounds. Post first, could lead to broad false (NTYP2I) DR/PI resonance(s) - the effect on corresponding excitation was just the wiping out of an isolated resonance. 26/06/08 stg1r (2.38) ********************* Re-instated Keith's development for accurate treatment of high-L exchange intgerals by RS [JPB39, 3873 (2006)] after fixing the B&W crash cause - see 18/03/07. 10/06/08 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Compare QETEST with EINCR (coarse) for extreme cases (need QETEST (2.37) ******************************* Revert back to previous version of stg1r for now as KAB's change of 11/01/07 crashes B&W. 21/02/07 stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************** Number of real expansion coefficients for theta was overwritten by the number of complex expansion coefficients for ztheta (same number 99.9% of the time). Only used by non-MQDT (IQDT=0), normal MQDT operation (IQDT>0) unaffected. 22/01/07 stgb (2.19) ******************** Scale determinant so as to avoid overflow. 17/01/07 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** COUL: case weakly closed-channel set large RTWO and open channel with then radial function tabulation exceeded dimension MZPTS (also started open-channel inward integration at unnecessarily large RTWO). Only likely encountered with (large) RMPS calculation. 15/01/07 stgjk (2.25) ********************* Did not catch all changes to SPINBB - KAB now checked. 13/01/07 stgjk (2.25) ********************* KAB/PJS: Phase saga continues. Reverse prime and unprime in BSPNO. First "reversed" in early 1995. SPINOR then put back to original in late 1995. So, BSPNO (and SPINOR) are now back to where they were late 1994/early 1995. ***BUT, CALL SETUPE(MZ,MX, interchanges MX,MZ in SPINBB. Note, NRB/PJS fixed RECUD back in late 2002. 11/01/07 stg1r (2.38) ********************* KAB's treatment of high L exchange added (by Keith) [JPB 39, 3873 (2006)]. 06/11/06 stgb (2.19) ******************** Add and correct BLAS routine usage. 02/11/06 stgb (2.19) ******************** Re-arrange expressions involving determinant so as to avoid overflow (e.g. deta*detb/detc - deta*(detb/detc)). 30/05/06 grasp0, stg2d ********************** TNSRJJ bug-fix from Charlotte Froese Fischer (also in pstg2d). 14/02/06 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Read blocked WMAT from pstg3r. 10/02/06 stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************** Bug in neutral damping - divide by zero (TWG). 27/01/06 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Allow IDIP=1 to write strength.dat independently of IPRKM. 14/01/06 stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************** Loop index error in ZRMAT. O.K. if not array out of bounds. ***07/07/08 UPDATE. This bug was introduced on moving from v4.2 to v4.3 22/03/04. However, this 14/01/06 fix is NOT complete, it corrected the upper bound of the do-loop but not the lower one. This was corrected in v4.5 on 07/07/08. 05/10/05 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** "Obvious" conflict (not to SUN compiler) between use of CC, CCP as array and non-array. 28/09/05 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Again, F-file C-function not defined correctly when low-L follows high-L (because INOUT not set and so picks-up old value). 05/09/05 stgf (4.6), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** IRAD>0 (write of F-files for stgbf, stgff) S-function not determined (undefined) at second point (RZERO+H) when point of inflection (RINF) moves outside of RZERO, - spotted by MJS. 03/09/05 stg1r (2.37) ********************* KAB's new SR.FINDEE mods for "difficult" cases where BASORB fails to find the correct number of nodes. 01/09/05 stg1r (2.37) ********************* Bug in new dielectric polarization potential, ONE not defined. 01/09/05 stg1r (2.37), stg2r (3.4), stg3r (3.1) *********************************************** Minor, for NAG compiler. 12/08/05 stgff (1.8) ******************** Signs wrong in converting from K- to S-matrix in DTOT. 09/08/05 stg1r (2.37) ********************* Re-implemented dielectric polarization potential, controlled by ALFD, RCUT and IPOLFN (=1, Norcross, =2, Baylis). 09/08/05 stgff (1.8) ******************** Renamed SR.MATMUL to SR.MXMUL to avoid linkage warnings or, for some compilers, failure. 08/08/05 stgff (1.8) ******************** Phase check (re-)instated in SR.AB for jK-coupling. Was suppressed because could not get it to agree with inner region R-matrix. Problem was RECUPD uses initial state odd parity and final state even parity, but LS (STG2D) uses initial state even parity and final state odd parity (as does STGFF), so needed an extra factor (-1)**(J-J'). 05/08/05 stgd (1.9) ******************* Top-up extended to jK-coupling. 05/08/05 stgff (1.8) ******************** MJS changed output to BF.L-LP files to Z-scaled line strength (was a quasi-cross section). 04/08/05 stgd (1.8) ******************* Extended to jK-coupling for Breit-Pauli runs. (N.B. jj-coupling for a DARC run is not coded, ditto for stgff.) 03/08/05 stgd (1.7), stgff (1.8) ******************************** First "public" release for testing of the line broadening/damping codes. stgff has been extensively re-written taking into account efficiencies implemented in other outer region codes. It has also been extended to neutral atoms and jK-coupling. stgd has been completely restructured and now runs as a follow-on to a stgf run (with IPRKM=5), as opposed to standalone from H.DAT. This enables one to make use of the current stgf, including for neutrals. stgd is currently LS-coupling only (jK-coupling being worked-on). BOTH CODES SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR PARTIALS, AS THERE ARE ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED WITH TOP-UP. 02/08/05 stgf (4.6) ******************* IPRKM=5 writes elastic (physical) S-matrices to (direct access) files SNM for STGD damping constant code. (N.B. stgf only, i.e. undamped serial - but inc. BLAS.) 12/07/05 stgicf 4.3 stgicfdamp 4.3 ********************************** Set IPRINT.LT.0 to suppress writes to screen (default 0). 02/07/05 stgicfdamp 4.3 *********************** Introduce IREADK to specify reading of real K-mx ( This enables real exchange K-matrices, which are only Auger damped, to be read. (NX real K-mx read was always possible via INOEXCH.LT.0; this is still present and any conflict with IREADK is tested-for.) Note, there was a bug in the commented-out code to read and store multiple energy real exchange K-mx files NOT split by symmetry (not serial default). 20/05/05 stg1r (2.36) ********************* STOP if MZNR2 or MZLR2 dimensions exceeded. NRANG2 (MAXC) or LRANG2 (MAXLT) were previously reduced instead. This was confusing to novice users. 09/05/05 stg1nx 1.11 ******************** There was a bug in TENSOR - it did not take account of seniority in testing whether the spectator shells are orthogonal. Both L and S of each shell were checked as identical in the two configurations but not seniority. The error can only occur in the special case where the two configurations are identical in each spectator shell except that the seniority in a shell differs. If you are not using configs of the form 3d^n, for 3.le.n.le.7, then unaffected. The exchange code (RMATRX1) used a later version of TENSOR which has this problem fixed but NX used the original TENSOR as published. (Thanks to PJS for highlighting the discrepancy between NX and X results and to VMB for tracking it to TENSOR.) 29/04/05 stg3nx 1.11 ******************** Stop any NBUG from dstg3 from overwriting NBUG set (or not set) in dstgnx; i.e. exchange NBUG settings in dstg3 are ignored. NX NBUG must be set in dstgnx. 28/04/05 stg2nx 1.11 ******************** Add NBUG varaibles to dstgnx NAMELIST. 20/04/05 stgicf (4.3), stgicfdamp (4.3) *************************************** STOP if zeroed-out TCC too large. 15/03/05 stgjk (2.24) ********************* If levels tagged for skipping lie above ESKPH but there are no higher levels (below ECORR) of the same symmetry then the wrong levels are included in the CC expansion (because there is no subsequent higher CC level to tag with skip info). Note, mdstjk flags this as a checksum error, but the dstgjk input file looks "o.k.". stgjk can now handle this and mdstgjk does not flag a checksum error. 04/11/04 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Tests for use of target box functions. 02/11/04 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Use R-matrix boundary defined by externally tabulated radial mesh when it defines a box function i.e. do not redetermine internally. 02/09/04 stgf (4.5), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Speed-up perturbation integrals RZERO to RTWO (mainly non-MQDT). 25/08/04 stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************** Partitioned energy (EZERO) missing. 31/07/04 stg2r (3.4), stg3r (3.1) ********************************* KAB's latest approach to eliminating weakly coupled N+1 terms (which he calls configurations...) 15/07/04 stgf (4.5), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Dipole top-up in jj-coupling (DARC and DARC interface) was not coded-for. 19/06/04 stgb (2.18) ******************** E-files not being written - KB. 25/05/04 stg3r (3.1) ******************** Corrections to below. 22/05/04 stg3r (3.1) ******************** Added alternative input of energy corrections - see STG3RD for details. 13/05/04 stgf (4.5), stgfdamp (4.5), stgbf0damp (4.5) ***************************************************** Read partitioned R-matrix H.DAT produced by stg3r v3.1 or later. 13/05/04 stg3r (3.1) ******************** Uses a partitioned R-matrix when (.gt. 50 recommended) is specified in NAMELIST STG3A. Requires use of stgf v4.5 or later. 27/04/04 stgb (2.18) ******************** Allow read and processing of DARC "H.DAT". Also, processing of H.DAT from DARC interface, i.e. containing K-1 (not K of jK) in the L2P array, as opposed to small l. Basically, READ1,2 SCALE1,2 from stgf plus energy derivative of Buttle correction (INTBUTD) dereived analagously from INTBUT. IDENTFY labelling left as 27/04/04 stgf (4.4), stgfdamp (4.4), stgbf0damp (4.4) ***************************************************** Code decoupling of core radiative rates in RAD for jj-coupling, case DARC and DARC interface. Use DARC DSTGH.DAT name for DARC "H.DAT" - temporarily used an alternative for testing purposes. 24/04/04 stgf (4.4), stgfdamp (4.4), stgbf0damp (4.4) ***************************************************** Switch to reading of K-1 in L2P array, as opposed to an additional kappa array, from DARC interface. (DARC DSTGH writes kappa in "L2P" array still.) K=2*kappa ( and K=-2*kappa-1 ( K-1 is then the exact analogue of channel l used in LS/BP case to reference basis orbitals, e.g. surface amplitudes (ENDS), energies (EIGENS) and Buttle correction (COEFF). Thus no need to make any changes to their uses in DARC/interface case. Note, in pure DARC run L2P array is converted from kappa to K-1 in READ2. 24/04/04 stg3r (2.23) ********************* DARC interface now writes K-1 in L2P array so no need for any change to stg3r use of ENDS but need to flag this in H.DAT, by setting LRANG2=-LRANG2. This is detected in stg3r itself by use of ICODE=25 from DARC interface. This finally solves the differences between pure DARC run and DARC interface. (Small l was in L2P array and this was accessed by ENDS, should have switched to kappa resolution as per stgf Buttle.) Use of K-1 in L2P array makes this transparent now. 22/04/04 stgf (4.4), stgfdamp (4.4), stgbf0damp (4.4) ***************************************************** Allow processing of H.DAT from DARC interface to use original DARC Buttle correction (DBUT.DAT) as opposed to Seaton fit via (BUTFIT). 21/04/04 stgicf_blas (4.3) ************************** Fixed bug in BLAS version only. Introduced in stgicf v4.3 affects parallel (2.3) as well v2.2/4.2 o.k. 19/04/04 stgf (4.4), stgfdamp (4.4), stgbf0damp (4.4) ***************************************************** Allow read and processing of DARC "H.DAT". Also, processing of H.DAT from DARC interface, i.e. containing kappa (not K of jK). Needed to reference Buttle correction by kappa, not small l. 09/04/04 stgicf (4.3), stgicfdamp (4.3) *************************************** Variable (EINCR) not defined case IMODE=0. If taken to be zero by compiler then results are correct still. If not (e.g. g77 or Intel with -O3) then NaNs likely to arise in collision strengths. NOTE: repeat of problem of 04/02/04 where EINCRH was not defined, but EINCRH is defined in terms of EINCR! 26/03/04 stgf (4.3), stgfdamp (4.3), stgbf0damp (4.3) ***************************************************** Re-worked COUL for open-channels when PERT='YES' to integrate inwards to RZERO from R2(I) and outwards from R2(I) to RTWO. Previous long inwards integration gave small errors to S,SP,C,CP at RZERO which caused large errors in weak elastic K-/S-matrices. In turn, (ICFT) transforming these LS matrices, gave rise to large spikes in weak forbidden transitions. 22/03/04 stg2nx 1.11 ******************** Reversed orbital and radial indices on orbital storage for RS (CPB). Large speed-up in big cases. 20/03/04 stgf (4.3), stgfdamp (4.3), stgbf0damp (4.3) ***************************************************** Reversed indices on WMAT (and AVECT1, DDEC, ZCOEF for damped codes). Large speed-up in big cases on certain architectures (e.g. Itanium 2). 17/03/04 stg2r (3.4) ******************** STOP rather than just WARNING when LRANG2 too small. 16/03/04 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Ensure fine enough radial mesh for STO- when fast NX1.DAT run being made, i.e. with small MAXLT and MAXC. 12/03/04 stgjk (2.24) ********************* Write N2HDAT=1 to RECUPH for consistency with stg3r. 05/03/04 stg2r (3.4) ******************** Added KAB's option (ICUT=-1) to drop weak N+1 configs (ICUT=0 default still). 04/02/04 stgicf (4.2) stgicfdamp (4.2) ************************************** Variable (EINCRH) not defined case IMODE=0. If taken to be zero by compiler then results are correct still. If not (e.g. g77 or Intel with -O3) then NaNs likely to arise in collision strengths. 04/02/04 stgicf (4.2) stgicfdamp (4.2) ************************************** Restrict UNIT numbers to .LT. 100, for g77 compiler. 02/02/04 stgjk (2.24) ********************* Allowance for sign reversal on dipole velocity (Mar 03) introduced incompatibile lengths in COMMON/LRPOT/. 29/01/04 stgf (4.2), stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2), stgicfdamp (4.2) *********************************************************************** REAL -> DBLE 07/11/03 stglib (2.13) ********************** GENSUM bug-fix from KAB: COLD IF (I.EQ.1) GOTO 460 IF (I.LT.J) GOTO 460 !KAB 5/11/03 16/10/03 stg1r (2.36), stg2r (3.3), stg3r (2.23) ************************************************ Added the default FORM='UNFORMATTED' explicitly to OPEN (STATUS='SCRATCH',ACCESS='DIRECT' etc for sloppy f77 compilers. 18/08/03 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Allow NPSMN(l), NPSMX(l) to independently specify MIN and MAX pseudo n for given l. Extension of old NPS(l) parameter. (Don) 18/08/03 stgf (4.2), stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) *************************************************** Added output for BP differential code. (Don) 08/08/03 stgf (4.2), stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2), stgicf (4.2), stgicfdamp (4.2) *************************************************** Catch overflow for graceful failure in FDIP. Failure expected and coded for, but ungraceful hardware failure to be avoided. 08/08/03 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** ITOP not being (re-)set (because not being passed-on from MAIN). Thus, near-degenerate non-dipole top-up not using our preferred methodology, but probably o.k. all the same. 05/08/03 stgf (4.2) **************** Inaccessible statement moved - case neutral MQDT, which stops anyway if there are any closed channels! 04/08/03 stgb (2.17) ******************** Fix array out of bounds (MZEST). 23/05/03 stg2r (3.3) ******************** KAB's writing of target LS polarizabilities. 13/03/03 stgbf (2.8) ******************** Updated for BP velocity as per stgbb (below). Must use updated prebf. (Attempt is made to see if vel. array present and BACKSPACE if apparently not, not guaranteed failsafe.) LS unaffected. 13/03/03 prebf (2.8) ******************** Pass thru BP velocity array. BP MUST use updated stgbf as the new DVEC file will be mis-read by old stgbf. DNM o.k. because new info at end of each file. But single DVEC has new info distrib. thru out. 13/03/03 stgbb (2.6) ******************** Initial BP velocity to zero for LS case. 11/03/03 stgjk (2.24), stg3r (2.23), stgbb (2.6) ************************************************ Allow for LS reversal in stgjk on velocity. Hence reversed BP velocity correct in stgbb. 10/03/03 stgbb (2.6) ******************** Reverse sign on DP contribution. 08/03/03 stgjk (2.24) ********************* Sign reversal on velocity dipoles (relative to length) when matrix elements reversed. 07/02/03 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** Scaling factors in ZMQDTK were hard wired, now replaced by ZFSCL and FSCL. 06/02/03 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** Neutral MQDT simplified. Scaling introduced via ZFSCL and FSCL, complex coefficient and energy factor, on K-matrix (IQDT=2) only so far. Dipole matrices not yet adjusted (stgbf0damp). 31/01/03 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** PERT now added for neutral MQDT. Corrected MQDTS routine for use on neutrals (i.e. don't!). Still to factor out threshold energy dependence, so do not interpolate (or use in stgicfdamp) yet. 25/01/03 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** MQDT extended to neutrals (no PERT yet). 25/01/03 stgf (4.2) ******************* Minor 21/01/03 stgbf (2.15) ********************* Inserted PARAMETER (MZMSH0=MZMSH). Delete and add specific value for MZMSH0 (.lt. MZMSH) to PARAM file if this proves too large (only used by stgbf). 15/01/03 stg3r (2.23) ********************* Write headers to H.DAT when IPWINIT.GT.1 if no prior H.DAT exists, i.e. H.DAT not being appended. 13/01/03 stg2r (3.3) ******************** Fix for LNOEX. Write sizeH.dat for pstg3r. Previously, info was read from rout2r. When this was changed to sizeH.dat in pstg2r/pstg3r it got left out of stg2r. 07/01/03 stgb (2.17), stgf (4.2), stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************************************** Fixed bug in evaluation of function derivative following Numerov integration - neutral atom only. 20/12/02 stgjk (2.24) ********************* First attempt to fix bug in RECUD phase factor. 20/12/02 stgb (2.17) ******************** Fixed case where symmetry in H.DAT not found by stgb. (This was because default stgb operation uses symmetry order in dstgb, not H.DAT as before, for damping codes.) 19/12/02 stg1r (2.36), stg2r(3.3), stgjk (2.24), stg3r (2.23) ************************************************************* Transparent mods to allow reading of passing files from Werner's codes. 17/12/02 stgbb (2.6) ******************** Fix from KB to allow odd-even parity ordering. Also, added missing AC from THETBB. 12/12/02 stgicf (4.2) stgicfdamp (4.2) ************************************** Dimension exceeded can cause crash before reaching STOP test. 01/11/02 stgfdamp (4.2), stgbf0damp (4.2) ***************************************** Neutral case added. 01/11/02 stgf (4.2) ******************* Archived 4.1. 17/10/02 stgbb (2.6) ******************** Read of B00 not terminating correctly when -1 -1 -1 used to terminate, as opposed to EOF. 22/07/02 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Minor fix for gf77. 06/07/02 stg2r (2.43) ********************* Minor formatting. 04/07/02 stg2r (2.43) stg3r (2.23) ********************************** Minor re-organization of some dimensioning. 03/07/02 stg2r (2.43) stg3r (2.23) ********************************** Adjust for consistency with parallel codes viz STG2HX.DAT -> STG2HXXX.DAT, split AMAT.DAT to AMATUXXX.DAT (and unformatted). 28/06/02 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Minor. 31/05/02 stg2r (2.43) ********************* Improved some checks. 02/05/02 stg3r (2.22), stg3nx (1.11) ************************************ Modify EPSI for DSYEVR. 01/05/02 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Supress over cautious warning messages. 29/04/02 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Continuing high-L RMPS (esp neutrals) problem, this new coding occasionally causes the outer region mesh to be incorrectly defined for certain channels at certain enregies and ang. mom. (specifically, if the redefined mesh still cannot fit on the grid allowed by the dimensions). This has been corrected. 07/02/02 stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) and stgicfdamp (4.2) *************************************************************** Approx tan(pi*znu) by i when imaginary part of effective quantum number gets large (Allan Whiteford). 07/01/02 stg1r (2.36) ********************* Made SR.TABORB radial tabulation to file 'radout' consistent with input for AUTOSTRUCTURE. Access via NBUG5=2 or RADOUT='YES' (in NAMELIST/STG1A/). STO output does not have number of orbitals, needs to be added manually on line 1 of 'radout' file. 06/12/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Continuing high-L RMPS (esp neutrals) problem, cannot allow non-oscillatory (negative energy) solutions to use excessively large step otherwise Numerov can overflow. Re-instated testing of these channels, but using a weaker condition than for oscillatory solutions. Furthermore, drop these deeply-closed channels if their presence means that outside the box contribution from open-channels cannot be determined. At high-L, virtually all of the open-channel interaction is from outside of the box so it is crucial to retain it. 27/11/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Fix for high-L, RMPS in neutrals. Outer-region step should not be determined by negative energy solutions (since non-oscillatory). Otherwise, get H excessively small and outer region tabulation is severely restricted. These deeply-closed channels have negligible effect on open-channels, as we have seen previously in MQDT. 27/10/01 stg3nx (1.11) ********************** Minor. 20/10/01 stg1r (2.36), stg2r(2.43), stgjk (2.24) ************************************************ Tidy-up precision etc. 19/10/01 stglib.f (2.13) ************************ Tidy-up precision etc. 18/10/01 stg3r (2.22), stg3nx (1.11) ************************************ Added optional (i.e. commented-out) code for using LAPACK/BLAS library to carry-out diagonalization of H(N+1). DSYEVR uses 4x memory, but is not suitable for all architectures, while DSYEVD uses 6x memory and should work on all systems. A factor 5 speed-up can be obtained with highly optimized LAPACK/BLAS libraries, e.g. SUN Performance library or ATLAS BLAS. Tidy-up precision etc. 17/10/01 stg1nx.f (1.10), stg2nx.f (1.10) ***************************************** Tidy-up precision etc. 23/07/01 stgicf (4.2), stgicfdamp (4.2) *************************************** In optional read of NTLSRD from TCCDW.DAT, test and reset if NTLSRD.LE.NTLS. 29/06/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) and ***************************************************** 29/06/01 stgicf (4.2), stgicfdamp (4.2) *************************************** Modification to OMEGA scratch file operation (Circa March 2001) for parallel code was incorrect, crashed serial code as well. 09/06/01 stglib (2.12) ********************** Minor - avoid floating point exception on T3E/IBM-SP. 07/06/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Variable not being initialized in Numerov routines, case of a single step only (Dario). 30/05/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) and ***************************************************** 30/05/01 stgicf (4.2), stgicfdamp (4.2) *************************************** Re-instated option of LS K-/S-matrix files *not* split apart by symmetry. Of no interest to serial code, but useful for parallel code when using a large number of processors and a small limit on the global number of open files. Default is to split by symmetry. These stgicf/damp (4.2) are thus back compatible with stgf suite 3.x, provided the default is overriden. 29/05/01 stgicfdamp (4.1) ************************* Fixed Gailitis average & DR - last working version was v3.7 of 09/03/01. 25/05/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) ***************************************************** Radiative width was not always being re-calculated when a DR final state moved from bound to autoionizing as ETOT increased, hence overestimating DR because autoionizing states were sometimes treated as recombined (stable). 24/05/01 stgf (4.1), stgfdamp (4.1), stgbf0damp (4.1) and ***************************************************** 24/05/01 stgicf (4.1), stgicfdamp (4.1) *************************************** stgf/damp/bf0damp LS K-/S-matrices for stgicf/damp are split apart by symmetry. (So, 3.x stgf suite is compatible with 3.x stgicf suite, and 4.x with 4.x.) 21/05/01 stgicf (3.7), stgicfdamp (3.9) *************************************** Speeded-up the jk->IC recoupling again. 19/05/01 stgicf (3.7), stgicfdamp (3.9) *************************************** Further reduced memory requirement by moving fully to packed vector storage. stgicf k(phys)->T substantially faster for large NCHOP. Re-coupling (jK->IC) a little slower. 12/05/01 stgicf (3.6), stgicfdamp (3.8) *************************************** Substantially reduced memory requirement for large channel (>1000) cases. 11/04/01 stgf (3.5), stgfdamp (3.5), stgbf0damp (3.5) ***************************************************** Minor. 31/03/01 stg3r (2.21) ********************* Minor mod for parallel code. 09/03/01 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** By default, the (dipole) infinite energy info is now only written to the end of OMEGANOTOP. The program omadd (V1.10) uses this to differentiate between dipole and non-dipole transitions when looking at top-up factors. See the stgicfadas.txt notes, which have also been updated to take account of the infinite energy limits coming from AUTOSTRUCTURE (including Born limits for the non-dipole transitions). This is why the OMEGA produced by stgicf/damp does not contain infinite energy info now, since it is dipole only. 08/03/01 ***IMPORTANT*** stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) ******************************************************* The fix for (near) degenerate dipole top-up introduced on 26/11/00 introduced an error which effectively switched-off the dipole top-up. Versions between 26 NOV 00 and 21 FEB 01 inclusive should not be used. A reduced energy plot of any dipole transition should clearly be inconsistent with the limit point, and we all check this don't we. On a related issue, it turns out that the OMEGANOTOP file infact has contained top-up for the dipole transitions since v2.6, introduced in Feb 2000. Comparisons for non-dipole transitions were unaffected. 02/03/01 stgf (3.5), stgfdamp (3.5), stgbf0damp (3.5) ***************************************************** Incorporated Seaton's changes to the specification of constants in the Numerov routines etc. (Implemented slightly differently to ensure correct precision obtained when using IMPLICIT REAL*8 etc. rather than setting it via the compiler.) The original constants were given to 8 s.f, consequently some, hopefully, small differences may arise compared to results from v3.4. 28/02/01 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Fix for COULS at high-L (>60). 21/02/01 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Added parity label to 2J+1 target symmetries to enable infinite energy Born to be distinguished from dipole. (stgf suite already did so.) 21/02/01 stg3nx (1.10) ********************** Minor. 17/02/01 stg2r (2.42) ********************* Revised dimension check (Don). 04/01/00 stg1r (2.35), stg2r (2.42), stgjk (2.23), stg3r (2.21) *************************************************************** Added MAXLD/J2MAXD to limit max L/2J for which dipole data is calculated. This is independent of MAXLT/J2MAX which limits the scattering symmetries. Useful for damped excitation/recombination where NTYP2I damping only occurs for low-L/J but we require scattering to much higher-L/J. Especially useful in ICFT runs where it is tedious to split dipole and non-dipole inner region runs. The DNM files obtained are identical to those obtained from a full run except for: (i) in LS coupling the last few will be ordered slightly differently due to the omission of a DNM with L>MAXLD which occurs before a DNM with both L<=MAXLD. (ii) in BP mode the last few DNM files are apparently different. Infact this is due to some fossil LS-coupling data that is passed-on by stgjk without re-coupling, and to point (i), and so could never be used in BP mode. Infact we don't use it in LS-coupling either. It was used by STG4 to generate (LS) dipole polarizabilities. 01/12/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Speed-up recoupling in KMTRIC by loop interchange (Keith Butler). 14/12/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Added code for use by parallel version only, commented-out in serial code. 26/11/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Fix to dipole top-up for exact degenerate levels. 25/11/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Minor mods for g77. 24/10/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Important mods for MQDT operation on Crays. 12/10/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Use explicit REAL*16 in coulfg for large cases, especially on a Cray. 26/09/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Minor. 26/09/00 stg2r (2.41), stg3r (2.20) *********************************** Don & Dario's coding of the splitting of STG2H.DAT into multiple files for running in limited operating systems. Set (.le.10) to break-up in to N2HDAT files. 16/09/00 stg1r (2.34) ********************* Switch-off diagonal one-body relativistic corrections except when the new (ISMIT.NE.0) Schmidt orthogonalization is being used for that L. 13/09/00 stg2nx (1.9) ********************* Switch-off diagonal mass-velocity terms - gives errors on inelastic BP cross sections. See also 26/05/00. Default is all off (RELOP='NO'). 11/09/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Tweaked near-degenerate non-dipole top-up. 11/09/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Tweaked near-degenerate non-dipole top-up. 07/09/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Case of writing formatted (non-zero) omegas columnwise: modified number of omegas written to be consistent with rounded energies. 07/09/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Case of writing formatted (non-zero) omegas columnwise: modified number of omegas written to be consistent with rounded energies. 19/08/00 stgicf (3.5), stgicfdamp (3.7) *************************************** Replaced matrix inversions by AX=B solution in MQDT routines. 19/08/00 stgf (3.4), stgfdamp (3.4), stgbf0damp (3.4) ***************************************************** Replaced matrix inversions by AX=B solution in MQDT routines and in ABINV, which also incorporates KAB's partitioning of the non-MQDT problem. 12/08/00 stgicf (3.4), stgicfdamp (3.6) *************************************** Added facility to read-in LS K-matrices for batches of energies so as to reduce I/O. The number read is NMLSE+1 and the additional memory used is NOMCL*NMLS*NMLSE words. (Use is made of the original memory to store the first energy read, NMLSE are then held.) 02/08/00 stgf (3.3), stgfdamp (3.3), stgbf0damp (3.3) ***************************************************** Added explicit symmetric coding for K->S, includng matrix inversions. 31/07/00 stg2r (2.40), stgjk (2.22) *********************************** Modified ESKPL test to handle certain cases. 27/07/00 stg3r (2.19) ********************* Further reduced memory requirement of HAMNEW. No longer need to worry about NSIZEH. 26/07/00 stg1r (2.34) ********************* Put in warning if all B&W occuppation numbers are zero in the radial file as code reverts back to using defaults. Set IMAXN=-1 to force them all to be zero. 25/07/00 stg2r (2.40), stg3r (2.19) *********************************** Format of AMAT.DAT file written by stg2r needed changing for large N+1 cases as stg3r failed to read it correctly (but stopped safely). Re-wrote HAMNEW to use less memory. However, if NSIZEH was previously set much smaller than MXMAT then memory will increase. If not using HAMNEW then set NSIZEH=1. 22/07/00 stgicf (3.4), stgicfdamp (3.6) *************************************** Re-orthonormalize (as opposed to re-normalize) TCCs. Allow number of IC target levels to be less than number of jk levels. Replaced both BLAS and non-BLAS matrix inversion routines with those for a symmetric matrix as opposed to a general matrix. 19/07/00 stgbf (2.15) ********************* M11 added to SAVE in READXY (PJS). 18/07/00 stgicf (3.3), stgicfdamp (3.5) *************************************** Use of observed term energies failed for default NTLSRD=0 in TCCDW.DAT. stgicf (3.2), stgicfdamp (3.4) unaffected. 18/07/00 prebf (2.8), stgbf (2.15) ********************************** ABORT to ABORTT for gnu f77 compiler (PJS). Fixed bug in stgbf, FLAFGL in CALL READXY (PJS). 15/07/00 stgicf (3.3), stgicfdamp (3.5) *************************************** Reading of NX K-/S-matrix data could halt because of apparent inconsistancy of input data with what was expected. Only occurred for certain systems. Now fixed. 15/07/00 stg2r (2.42) ********************* Added TITLE to SAVE in SR.STG2RD (PJS). 10/07/00 stgicf (3.3) ********************* In the commented-out BLAS routines, IPIV should be IPIVOT. 07/07/00 stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2) ***************************************** Minor mod to the evaluation of NTYP2OR radiation. 27/06/00 stgbf (2.15), prebf (2.8) ********************************** Updated for consistancy with 08/04/00 stgb (2.17) writing extra info to B00. 27/06/00 stgf (3.2), stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2) ***************************************************** Bug-fix for IMODE=-1 PERT='YES' operation. 24/06/00 stgf (3.2), stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2) ***************************************************** Control READ/WRITE of unphysical K/S-matrix via IMODE (as per stgicf) rather than IQDT viz. IMODE=0 WRITE, IMODE=1 READ, IMODE=-1 no WRITE/READ (single pass). Use IQDT only to specify the type of MQDT operation (K-, S- etc.) Default, IMODE=0. 15/06/00 stgf (3.2), stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2), stgicf (3.3), stgicfdamp (3.5) ************************************************************************************* Optionally write unformatted collision strength file OMEGAU, if PRINT='UNFORM'. Added utility routines om2omu.f and omu2om.f to convert. Other utilities, viz. omadd.f, omgmrg.f, xtrct.f, adasex.f adasexj.f can all handle unformatted files. 12/06/00 stgf (3.2), stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2) ***************************************************** Could fail to determine all radiative rates in LS coupling if two terms never appear in the same N+1 symmetry. 08/06/00 stgicf (3.3), stgicfdamp (3.5) *************************************** Given the generalization of the use of CI terms interspersed with CC terms, elimination of CI components from the TCCs has been made more automatic by comparing the the first NTLSRD term energies in TCCDW.DAT (after energy ordering) with the NTLS in term.dat. Those terms in TCCDW.DAT that find a match in term.dat are taken to be CC and those that don't find a match are taken to be CI. The default is unchanged, i.e., the first NTLS are taken to be CC. The new option is accessed via the NTLSRD being set non-zero on line 1 of the TCCDW.DAT file after "LS TERMS". The default is blank/zero. If this automatic matching is a problem then it can still be done manually by setting NTLSRD= -|NTLSRD| and tagging the term numbers (in TCCDW.DAT) negative for the CI. Anything above |NTLSRD| is still taken to be CI. 07/06/00 stg2r (2.40), stgjk (2.22) *********************************** Added ESKPL, ESKPH, ECORR to specify energy range of terms/levels to be omitted from the CC expansion. Those that lie between ESKPL and ESKPH Ryd relative to the ground are omitted. In this case, one may need to specify ECORR, the energy above which ALL terms/levels are treated as CI since it cannot now be determined internally. These options are consistent with the ISKIP option which can be used in conjunction with them. The defaults remain unchanged. 07/06/00 stg3r (2.19) ********************* Added early dimension check on MXDM so as not to bomb-out in DMAT1 after many hours of CPU. 26/05/00 stg1r (2.34) ********************* Reversed change 1/ of 29/01/00 i.e. switch-off of diagonal BP integrals which gave rise to errors in elastic channels only because this is inconsistent with new Schmidt orthohgonalization (ISMITN=1) and affects INELASTIC transitions. Ditto stg2nx (1.9). 23/05/00 stg3r (2.19), stg3nx (1.10) ************************************ In solving the obscure bug of 12/04/00 I inadvertently created one: the channels for a fixed term were ordered by descending l instead of ascending, the latter is required by the LS top-up in stgf. 22/05/00 stgf (3.2), stgfdamp (3.2), stgbf0damp (3.2) Minor ***************************************************** Additional tests. 18/05/00 stg2r (2.40) Minor ********************* Added KAB's code to printout gf-values (IBUG5=-1), minus the test IF(CFADD.EQ.ZERO) GO TO 180 for safety. 13/04/00 stgg (1.20) ******************** Update projection subroutine to handle case of pseudo and physical orbitals of same n but different l. Prior to this it was assumed that all l of a given n were either physical or pseudo. Note, AUTOSTRUCTURE has also been updated to provide the overlaps for such a scenario. 12/04/00 stg3r (2.19), stg3nx (1.10) ************************************ Use of a 1.e-7 tolerance in SR.ORDER gives rise to non-energy ordered states in hydrogenic systems which can cause subsequent problems esp. in stg3r as ORDER in TAPERD uses a.u. while WRITOP uses Ryd. This causes an inconsistency between term and channel indexing if the separation is between 5.e-8 and 1e-7 a.u. Use NAST to read in slightly separated term energies to ensure the order that you want. There is no problem with stg3nx but it needs to order target terms consistently with stg3r. 08/04/00 stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) ***************************************** Changed damping defaults and added more checking of user input for damping. Previously, all damping was OFF by default (but DR was ON, which meant that elastic transitions were present in the OMEGA file). Now all damping for excitation is ON (NTYP1=1, NTYP2I=1, NTYP2OR=1) but DR is OFF (NDRMET=0 NTYP2OF=0). The code looks for appropriate B and D files and checks user input. The user is then instructed to switch off damping if required files are missing or to generate them if damping is required. Hopefully, this will mean that damping is not "missed" by inexperienced users. Code also attempts to determine NMIN, as required by NTYP2OR/F, from a modified B00 file produced by stgb 2.17 or later. Obviously, if NTYP2I=0 this is not possible but the user is asked for a valid NMIN or told switch off the NTYP2O damping - again, their choice. 08/04/00 stgf (3.1) Minor ******************* Minor 08/04/00 stgb (2.17) ******************** Write extra info to end of B00 for stgfdamp. 07/04/00 stgicfdamp (3.4) ************************* Corrected bug in NTYP1 rad. Added Gailitis average (via QNMAX of MESH1 as per stgf/damp). Allow re-coupling of unphysical S-matrix produced by stgf/damp. Gives good agreement with BP for dn=0 DR. 07/04/00 stgf (3.1), stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) ***************************************************** Write complex K- and or S- matrix for stgicfdamp. 07/04/00 stgicf (3.2) ********************* Minor, for consistancy with stgicfdamp. 07/04/00 stgjk (2.22) minor *************************** Output TCCDW.DAT TCCs with more for closer unitarity test in stgicfdamp. 04/04/00 stgicf (3.2), stgicfdamp (3.4) *************************************** Allow IMODE=1 to use a subset of the coarse enegry mesh. 01/04/00 stgicfdamp (3.4) ************************* Added determination of DR collision strengths. 01/04/00 stgicf (3.2), stgicfdamp (3.3) *************************************** Bug-fixes for ITCC=0 operation and for IMODE=1 operation. Note, ITCC=1 and IMODE=0,-1 unaffected - these denote our main operation. 31/03/00 stgicf (3.2), stgicfdamp (3.3) *************************************** Added elastic transitions - required for DR via unitarity. 29/03/00 stgicfdamp (3.2) ************************* Added inner electron (NTYP1) damping. 29/03/00 stgf (3.1), stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) Minor *********************************************************** Tweak evaluation of radiative widths. 24/03/00 stg2r (2.40) ********************* Switch dimension in /CUPPLE/ MZNC1 to MZNC2. 17/03/00 Wrote JRELOP(1) to NX2.DAT for NX code to flag use of mass-velocity term. 18/03/00 stg2nx (1.9) ********************* Added mass-velocity term, for "high-l" continuation run only viz. only continuum-continuum contribution (and no bound contribution to it). 13/03/00 stgicf (3.1), stgicfdamp (3.1) *************************************** Minor re-ordering (both). File name mods to stgicfdamp. 11/03/00 stgicfdamp (3.1) ************************* First release of damped version of stgicf (based on 3.1). Reads and transforms damped (i.e. complex) unphysical K-matrix produced by stgfdamp, found on zkmtls.dat. The damped K-matrix includes all NTYP2 damping, but not NTYP1. NTYP1 damping will be via a complex effective quantum number in stgicfdamp - NOT YET CODED. In general, the non-exchange K-matrices will be real still and could be produced by stgf on kmtls.dat. To allow for this, INOEXCH.GT.0 looks on zkmtls.dat while INOEXCH.LT.0 looks on kmtls.dat. 11/03/00 stgicf (3.1) ********************* Synchronization with stgicfdamp. 11/03/00 stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) ***************************************** Write complex K-matrix to zkmtls.dat (when IPRKM.EQ.4) for stgicfdamp. **************************************************************************** CODE RENAMING: stgic (2.7) becomes stgicf (3.1) **************************************************************************** 11/03/00 stgic (2.7) ******************** Re-organization and tidy-up ready for initial development of damped version. 08/03/00 stgf (3.1), stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) Minor *********************************************************** Made the use of Coulomb-Bethe omegas the default for dipole top-up. Added alternative (smooth) switching from non-degenerate to degenerate case in non-dipole top-up, as per stgic. 04/03/00 stgbf0damp (3.1) Minor ******************************* Changed total photoabsorption file name to XPATOT to emphasise that it is not the same as the total photoionization when damping is present. XPIPAR contains partial photoionization to each electron target continuum still and XPISUM still contains the sum over the partials which may, or may not, be equal to the total photoionization. XPISUM can contain more partials than are in XPIPAR. 02/03/00 stgic (2.6) ******************** Additional test for determination of allowed multipoles for non-dipole top-up. Fixed TOP3 not being initialized if no inelastic open channels present at the first energy. 26/02/00 Alternative switch to (non-dipole) degenerate limit - when energy ratio equals [Jmax/(Jmax+1)]**(2*lambda-1). Detailed logging of top-up fractions. 22/02/00 stgbf0damp (3.1) ************************* Allow NTYP2I=0 when IPHOTO.NE.0, i.e. case of photoionization/recombination with NTYP1 damping switched-on (NODAMP=1 switches it all off). 22/02/00 stg2r (2.39) ********************* Mods to NOICC operation. 19/02/00 KAB's elimination of weakly mixing CI terms. 18/02/00 stg2r (2.38) ********************* Connor's NOICC.GT.0 option to calculate the no. of IC channels from an LS run. 17/02/00 stgbf (2.15) ********************* Initialize some switches for IQDT.GT.0 and IPRINT.GE.0 combination. 15/02/00 stg1r (2.34), stg2r(2.37) ********************************** Do no write or overwrite NX*.DAT files when spin-orbit operator is on viz. RELOP='YES', 'TCC' or IRELOP(3)=1. 15/02/00 stgbf (2.15) minor ********************************* Minor mods for Cray. 15/02/00 stgf (3.1), stgfdamp (3.1), stgbf0damp (3.1) ***************************************************** Minor mods for Cray. 12/02/00 Tweak CORINT for efficiency at high-L (MQDT perturbations). 14/02/00 stgb (2.16), stgbf (2.15) minor ********************************** Initialize a couple of variables that were not being initialized. 12/02/00 stg3nx (1.10) ********************** BUFFER 1 in RDRINT needed a test re-instated (no error would have resulted because the code would have halted execution because of it). 11/02/00 stgic (2.6) ******************** Determine multipole of transition. Then use this to enable non-dipole top-up to switch over to the denerate energy case. 09/02/00 stgic (2.5) ******************** Added improved CBe routines. Also, Don's JMNTWO specification for an exchange (R-matrix) run. **************************************************************************** CODE RENAMING: stgfdamp (2.14) becomes stgbf0damp (3.1) CODE RENAMING: stgfrad (2.19) becomes stgfdamp (3.1) (stgf (2.33) just becomes (3.1)) **************************************************************************** 05/02/00 stgf (2.33), stgfrad (2.19), stgfdamp (2.14) ***************************************************** Improved testing for breadown of dipole Coulomb integrals used by CBe top-up. In addition, the values of all failures should infact be vanishingly small and so they are now set to zero rather than switching back to using CC partial omegas. 01/02/00 stgfrad (2.19), stgfdamp (2.14) Minor **************************************** Allow execution to continue with warning if D file(s) missing. 29/01/00 stg1r (2.34) ********************* 1/Switch-off diagonal continuum-continuum 1-body relativistic corrections as they have an unphysically large effect on the elastic K-matrix elements (possibly because a non-relativistic Buttle correction is still being used). 2/Check for breakdown of exchange integrals earlier. 3/Stop if code tries to switch Buttle correction method between l's (stgf can't handle this). Added MJS variable (=0) to force quadratic if required (e.g. when BSTO.eq.ZERO). 25/01/00 stg2nx (1.8), stg3nx (1.10) ************************************ Fixed bugs to BUFFER 1 in GENINT (stg2nx) and LOC1CC, RDRINT (stg3nx). 21/12/99 stgf (2.33), stgfrad (2.19), stgfdamp (2.14) ***************************************************** NOMWRT .LT. 0 writes -NOMWRT collision strengths to OMEGA columnwise (upper half matrix) excluding zeroes. NOMWRT .GT. 0 (default) remains unchanged: NOMWRT collision strengths row-wise, including zeroes. The latter is for consistancy with our current post-processing programs while the former is IP "standard". 20/12/99 stgjk (2.22) ********************* Dimension of DUMMY in COMMON/SCRACH/ increased to 3*MXJC. 20/12/99 stgfdamp (2.13) ************************ Total photoabsorption now switched-on by IPHOTO.GE.1000 and the cross section output to XPITOT. Number of electron continua is now IPHOTO modulo 1000. The partials are in XPIPAR still but the sum of the partials to IPHOTO (modulo 1000) is now in XPISUM. If IPHOTO (modulo 1000) .GT. MZPHT then MZPHT partials are resolved but the sum is over IPHOTO (modulo 1000) still. Before, the sum was obtained by summing over the resolved partials at the end of the run. Now it is incremented as each partial is obtained and is not limited by MZPHT. 18/12/99 MQDT treatment of damped photoionization now on same general footing as damped excitation viz .the unphysical dipole matrices can use K- or S-mx normalization before being closed-off (in the former case the change to S-mx normalization is then via the physical S-mx) and can be interpolated in a single or double pass. 18/12/99 stgfrad (2.18) *********************** Auger damping added as in stgfdamp. 16/12/99 stgfdamp (2.12) ************************ Photoabsorption generalized as below. crosspi3 now XPIABS. Still switched-on by IAUGER.NE>0 for now. This may change. 14/12/99 Damped photoionization from first NPISYM (STGB) symmetries (see below) and first NPIEB (STGB) energies of said symmetries. Output is now to XPITOT (was crosspi) for photoionization resolved by initial state but summed over all final (electron continuum) states and XPIPAR (was crosspi2) for the partial final state resolved. Note, IPHOTO.LT.0 now switches on partial recombination and IPHOTO.GT.0 partial photoionization to at most IPHOTO electron cintinua. IPHOTO=0 still switches off access to SR.PHOTO. 14/12/99 stgb (2.16) ******************** Case IORDER=1 (default) process symmetries according to order listed by IOPT2 rather than order in H.DAT (IORDER=0). The latter is (slightly) faster but the former is more convenient for the damped codes, especially photoionization. 11/12/99 stgic (2.4) ******************** Write an OMEGANOTOP file (approx OMEGA without top-up) when top-up is on, so as to assist assessment of accuracy of effective collision strengths. 06/12/99 Re-organized non-dipole top-up - use either energy or omega ratio (default). Tag omegas negative if top-up exceeds TOPR factor (1.3 = 30% etc), default is large i.e. off. Note, if top-up is applied to a NX run then this test of the top-up contribution is relative to the NX sum only. If a substantial contribution comes from lower J of the exchange run then this warning is unnnecessarily cautious. 10/12/99 stgbf (2.15) ********************* Allow user to over-ride DELTA, point at which velocity dropped and length-to- acceleration conversion no longer carried-out due to possible cancellation errors. 08/12/99 Evaluation of beta failed in DSTOR if there was more than one final symmtery. This bug was introduced when it was extended to handle BP betas. 03/12/99 stgic (2.3) ******************** Remove all but trivial memory dependence on the number of Jp symmetries. 01/12/99 stgic (2.2) ******************** Only read LS K-matrices (per energy) for those LSp required by the current Jp symmetry. 29/11/99 stgic (2.1) ******************** Inter-changed energy and Jp symmetry loop. Identical results to V1.10 except that non-dipole top-up uses the ratio of final to incident energy rather than successive partial omegas in the geometric sum. 30/11/99 stgic (1.10) ******************** Minor. 27/11/99 stgfdamp (2.11) ************************ Partial photorecombination from NDRMET metastables. 27/11/99 stgf (2.32), stgfrad (2.18), stgfdamp (2.11) ***************************************************** Bug in SR.OMEG - overflow to disk - fixed. (You would have got zeroes.) 19/11/99 stgbb (2.6) ******************** Extended to handle neutral atoms (+electron). Also added stgb fix of 6/97 for deeply-closed channels. 19/11/99 stgbf (2.15) ********************* Extended to handle neutral atoms (+electron). 18/11/99 stgfdamp (2.10) ************************ Photoionization to resolved final (target) states now being accumulated over multiple final symmetries. 15/11/99 prebf (2.8) ******************** Modified to handle neutral atoms (trivial). 13/11/99 stgb (2.15) ******************** Extended to handle neutral atoms (+electron). 12/11/99 stgf (2.32), stgfrad (2.18), stgfdamp (2.10) Minor ***************************************************** Re-ordered some do-loops for efficiency. 11/11/99 stgf (2.31) Minor ******************** Made elastic output default for neutrals. 25/10/99 stg1nx (1.9) ********************* Fix bug in double buffering for large CI/small buffer. 25/10/99 stg3r (2.19), stg3nx (1.9) *********************************** Added ISORT to STG3A NAMELIST. For ISORT=1, observed energies are expected in calculated energy order and not the order they were stored in stg2/stgjk. I.e. terms/levels can be read-in in any order in stg2/stgjk or resorted in stg2. As always, the first term listed in stg2 should be the ground one. 11/09/99 stgb (2.14), stgbf (2.14), stgbb (2.6) Minor *********************************************** Minor mods to avoid compiler warnings. 11/09/99 stgf (2.31), stgfrad (2.17), stgfdamp (2.9) Minor **************************************************** Minor mods to avoid compiler warnings. 11/09/99 stg1nx (1.9), stg2nx (1.8), stg3nx (1.9) Minor ************************************************* Minor mods to avoid compiler warnings. 11/09/99 stgic (1.10) Minor ********************* Minor mods to avoid compiler warnings. 13/08/99 File name modified: -> to avoid overwriting. 07/09/99 stgf (2.31) ******************** Extended to handle neutral atoms. 11/08/88 stg2r (2.37) ********************* stg2r failed for bound orbital angular momentum .ge. 8 (case of extreme pseudo-state expansion. 07/08/99 stgb (2.14) ******************** KAB's latest mods to IDFORM/IDENTFY. 30/07/99 stgf (2.30), stgfrad (2.17), stgfdamp (2.9), stgic (1.10) ****************************************************************** Try to catch failures in FDIP and do not replace CC partial omegas by CBe in those cases. 27/07/99 stgf (2.30), stgfrad (2.17), stgfdamp (2.9) **************************************************** The previous change (14/07/99) to avoid overwriting the strength.dat file also "avoided" writing the terminator to jbinls causing the NX stgic run to fail - sorry. 15/07/99 stgic (1.10) ********************* Don's "tidied-up" version, plus a further correction. 14/07/99 stgf (2.30), stgfrad (2.17), stgfdamp (2.9) Minor *********************************************************** Don't overwrite strength.dat (when IPRKM.EQ.4) if no line strengths have been calculated (i.e. if IBIGE.NE.1). 09/07/99 stgic (1.9) ******************** Don's correction of his first attempt at separating LRGLAM & IDIP operation. 08/07/99 stg3r (2.19), stglib (2.12) Minor ****************************************** Mods for g77 compiler. 26/06/99 stg1r (2.33) ********************* Corrected spin-orbit bug affecting STO- operation only. Removed ISMITN from non-namelisted input since free-formatted input means that standard CPC files won't run. Can easily be added by user, or use namelisted input instead. 24/06/99 stgf (2.30), stgfrad (2.17), stgfdamp (2.9) **************************************************** Incorporated hybrid-MQDT approach for deeply-closed channels (nu1.E-5 for consistancy with stgf,stgbf etc. 05/05/98 stgf (2.26) ******************** Revert to old MQDT RZERO to infinity integrals when IRAD.GT.0 (writing data for stgbf) since RTWO is set artificially large and RZERO to RTWO diverges. (This is o.k. since stgbf is a low-L problem.) See 2.27 for full solution. 02/05/98 stgjk (2.20) ********************* Incorporated Tom's shifting of target term energies so as to get correct spin-orbit mixing for TCCs. Similar to stg3r use, e.g. use NSHIFT to switch-on. 30/04/98 jajom (1.2) ******************** Minor mods by Don to improve running. This code will be retired shortly, it being superceded by stgic. 30/04/98 stglib (2.11) ********************** A bug in subroutine ORDTRI of the NJGRAF branch has been fixed by Stephen Bailey of QUB. 29/04/98 stgf (2.25), stgfrad (2.11), stgfdamp (2.3) (minor) ************************************************************ Fix minor discontinuity in interpolation when channel dropped from one energy but not the other. Interpolated K-mx smooth now but S-mx not so good. In general, interpolating K-matrix is more reliable in "extreme" cases for MQDT. (Although S-mx is faster....) 22/04/98 stg1r (2.32) minor *************************** Minor (transparent) bug-fix. 21/04/98 prebf (2.6) stgbf (2.13) ********************************* Allow unequal IPERT from stgb and stgf. 18/04/98 stgf (2.25), stgfrad (2.11), stgfdamp (2.3) **************************************************** Reworked perturbing potentials for both MQDT and non-MQDT operation. The MQDT perturbing integrals (as originally coded by Tom for the low-L radiation damped problem) failed spectacularly at high-L (>~15). The non-MQDT perturbing integrals were occasionally in error over a narrow energy range just below thershold due to an instability in the outward integration. Later note: I was being optimistic here, see later versions, in particular 2.27. 31/03/98 stgf (2.24), stgfrad (2.10), stgfdamp (2.2) **************************************************** If you use MQDT via the K-matrix (IQDT=2) with PERT='YES' for high-L/J then re-running on the fine energy mesh can give garbage because the codes attempt to perturb the T-matrix but have none of the required info. This mainly affects stgf since the damped codes, by default, perturb the K-matrix so as to ensure a unitary (undamped) S-matrix. The stgf default was left as its historical perturbation of the T-matrix. All codes now perturb the K-matrix when PERT='YES' is used. This was a one line change. 12/03/98 stgf (2.24), stgfrad (2.10), stgfdamp (2.2) **************************************************** There is a bug in all versions of stgf that we have ever had/used (!). The routine WSQ (and hence WSQ2) incorrectly evaluates the Racah coefficient for the case of A=B and C=D. This could affect top-up and radiation damping. It occurs for la=la' and l=l'. It is possible that we have never encountered this transition for damping, or that the radiative rate may already have been decoupled from an earlier symmetry. LS data is unaffected. 04/03/98 stgbf (2.13) ********************* Phase factor in LS BETA evaluation - Lan Vo Ky. 28/02/98 stgbf (2.12) ********************* Tom's bug-fix in BETA for zero cross sections. 24/02/98 stgic (1.5) ******************** First "public" release of Don's program to read unphysical k-matrices in LS coupling generated by stgf, determine the unphysical k-matrices in pure jK coupling or intermediate coupling and finally use these to determine and print the collision strengths between individual levels. See the comments at the beginning of the code for the simple input and the document stgicadas.txt for help on usage. 07/02/98 stgb (2.12), stgbb (2.4) ********************************* Minor adjustments for Cray operation. 07/02/98 stg1nx (1.7), stg2nx (1.6), stg3nx (1.8) ************************************************* Minor adjustments for Cray operation. 05/02/98 stgf (2.24), stgfrad (2.10), stgfdamp (2.2) **************************************************** Bug-fixes to top-up and MQDT operation that occur in certain circumstances. 29/01/98 stg3r (2.17) ********************* Replaced JACORD by DIAG in HAMNEW and HAMNEW2. Made a few minor changes to avoid (Cray) compiler warnings. 28/01/98 stg1r (2.31), stg2r (2.36), stgjk (2.19) ************************************************* Made TCC generation more efficient for large LS cases, also use PARAM.TCC. Added some extra dimension tests. Made a few minor changes to avoid (Cray) compiler warnings. 28/01/98 stglib (2.10) ********************** Minor. 20/01/98 stgdwic (1.5) ********************** Dario's bug-fix to limit J's to those for which ALL LS partials exist. 22/12/97 stgfdamp (2.1) *********************** Added SR.PHOTO to stgfrad to make new stgfdamp code for further development of damped partial photorecombination/ionization etc. Unlike stgbf, the (unphysical) dipole matrices are NOT interpolated so interpolation in MQDT mode is not allowed for now (it wasn't in the old stgfrad either). 16/12/97 stgfrad (2.9) ********************** This is a major revision of stgfrad. Infact, a new version derived from the new stgf (2.23) so much cleaner coding and easier to follow. This also means that the MQDT is an improvement over the old stgfrad (2.8) since it interpolates either the unphysical S-matrix (IQDT=1) or the unphysical K-matrix (IQDT=2), unlike the old one which just updated the (K-matrix) "periodically". IQDT=100 or 200 parallels IQDT=1 or 2 but the JBIN is never read, only written. Optionally (IOMSW=0), "deeply" closed channels (n COMPLEX*16 and added AIMAG function as IMAG intrinsic function not available. Also, write S as well as Arad. 12/12/96 stgbf (2.4) ******************** No-preprocessing required. Dimensions INCLUDEd from PARAM file. Terminate any SLp's that are input with -1-1-1 etc. or EOF. Not 0 0 0, for consistancy with rest of outer region codes. Note: IFLAGV=1 (default). Set IFLAGV=0 to switch off VMAT integral that causes problems with deeply closed channels. 06/12/96 prebf (2.3) ******************** No-preprocessing required. Dimensions INCLUDEd from PARAM file. Added Namelist PREBF (for IPRINT and IBUT). Terminate any SLp's that are input with -1-1-1 etc. or EOF. Not 0 0 0, for consistancy with rest of outer region codes. 05/12/96 stgg (1.13) ******************** Fixed DR from metastables. 30/11/96 stg1nx(1.5),stg2nx(1.4),stg3nx(1.6) Minor ******************************************** Mods for SUN f90 and DEC f77. 29/11/96 stg1r (2.29) ********************* Returned default mesh to IPTS=23 29/11/96 stg3r(2.15) Minor ******************** Added CLOSE statement for DEC. 29/11/96 stgg (1.12) ******************** Added output file for GNUPLOT. 28/11/96 stgdw (2.16) ********************* Increased dimension of NMSH2D and changed file omegdw to OMEGDW. 25/11/96 stg1r (2.24) ********************* The (SUN) f90 compiler and some other (CRAY?) f77 compilers do not allow a NAMELIST and subroutine to have the same name. I have been aware of this for a number of years and have avoided such a clash. But the O.P. created a NAMELIST STG1 and the I.P. created a subroutine STG1. As per stg2r, stg3r etc., I have now split NAMELIST STG1 into two, namely STG1A and STG1B, where "controlling" options are in STG1A and variable values in STG1B. Thus, 5456 NAMELIST /STG1A/IOUT,IOUTDA,INDATA,IPSEUD,IDWOUT, 5457 A NBUG1,NBUG3,NBUG5,NBUG7,NBUG8,NBUG9,KRELOP,LAM, 5458 B RELOP,RAD,IRELOP,ISMITN 5459 C 5460 NAMELIST /STG1B/MAXLS,MAXPW,MAXE,LAMAX,MAXC,IBC,LCB,ISMIT, 5461 B MAXLA,MAXLT,NMIN,NMAX,LMIN,LMAX,IMAX,TOLE,EMIN,NELCOR,IPTS I have also made the default radial mesh finer. I found an example (which took a long time to figure out) where the default mesh gave complete garbage. I have added the variable IPTS which controls the mesh fineness (IPTS=no. of points per half cycle * sqrt(2)). The default WAS 23 and I have increased the default to 33. 25/11/96 stg1nx (1.4), stg2nx (1.3), stg3nx (1.5) ************************************************* No preprocessing required. Dimensions INCLUDEd via a PARAM file. Also, default Buttle correction now uses Seaton's fit. Set MJS=0 to recover least squares. 22/11/96 stgb (2.9) ******************* No preprocessing required. Dimensions INCLUDEd via a PARAM file. 21/11/96 stgb (2.8) ******************* Allow execution to proceeed when closed channel wavefunction is zero everywhere outside of box. 19/11/96 stgg (1.11) ******************** Reduce storage requirements, only store omegas to be plotted. 18/11/96 stgg (1.10) ******************** Added NPLOTI, NPLOTF to pick out transition from initial state NPLOTI to final state NPLOTF. 30/10/96 stg1r (2.23) ********************* New SHMITT routine added to generate orthogonal set by diagonalizing matrix of overlaps. To access set ISMITN=1. IMPORTANT, ISMITN=-N is now used to access the SHMITN routine, starting continuum basis at n=N when pseudo-states present. 31/10/96 stgf (2.11) ******************** Allow calculation to finish when EOF encountered on H.DAT (due to final symmetry in stg2/stg3 having no coupled channels, nothing is written but the previous MORE=1 has already been set). 18/10/96 stgg (1.9) ******************* omega -> OMEGA, omegadw -> OMEGDW 18/10/96 stgb (2.7) stg3nx (1.4) ******************************** tapeh -> H.DAT 18/10/96 stgf (2.10) ******************** Skip read of long-range coefficients (CF) if LAMAX=0. Case failed before. 16/09/96 stg1r (2.21) ********************* Implemented numerical schmidt orthogonalization for large pseudo-state basis - set ISMITN=1, use NMIN,NMAX,LMIN,LMAX to specify ISMIT(I)=NL compactly. 12/09/96 stgfrad (2.5) ********************** Remove QDT option since have IQDT and Gailitis not required by damped code. Mesh now uses constant dE after QNMAX where dE=2z**2/dn at QNMAX. INCLUDE dimensions via PARAM file. Some IQDT tests made more robust. Mods due to Alan Price. 14/06/96 stgf(2.9) ****************** No preprocessing of dimensions now. They are read from file PARAM - not the same one as the inner-region! Inner and outer region codes are normally kept in separate directories. Changed file names tapeh->H.DAT and omega->OMEGA for consistancy with Belfast. Also, added parity to spin in the OMEGA file (LS case, was already there on J). 12/06/96 stg1r,stg2r,stgjk,stg3r,stglib *************************************** NO preprocessing of dimensions now. They are read from file PARAM. Two sample files PARAM.CC and PARAM.DW are available and can be copied to PARAM as required and the dimensions tweaked. tapeh->H.DAT in stg3r. 12/06/96 stg1r(2.19) ******************** Allow Blume & Watson screening by other electrons WITHIN a sub-shell i.e. TOCC->TOCC-1. 11/06/96 stgf(2.8) ****************** Added infinite energy omega (dipole only). 06/06/96 stgjk(2.16) ******************** Tom's final fix of the indexing problem in RECUD for photoionization. Note: only requires stg2 (N+1) symmetries ordered such that ALL even parities precede ALL odd. 05/06/96 stgbb(2.2) ******************* Again fix numerical failure for weak/strong closed channels. 05/06/96 stgbb(2.1) ******************* Initial workstation implementation of Belfast code. 29/05/96 stg1r(2.18) ******************** Fix CIV3 option (so that it actually works!) for John Tully. 24/05/96 stgb(2.4), stgf(2.7) ***************************** Solved numerical failure for case of weakly and strongly closed channels (mainly stgb) required for inner-shell photoionization. 21/05/96 stgjk,stg3r,stgb,stgf,stgbf (minor) ******************************************** Minor changes to eliminate compiler warnings an errors with f90. 19/04/96 FARM ************* Fixed a bug from Val Burke in subroutine sleqn of directory phv. Can cause crashes or possibly huge k-matrix elements/omegas. The results of "successful" runs are claimed to be unaffected. 19/04/96 stgf(2.5) ****************** Inline TANDTD in TLAG for efficiency. 08/02/96 stgfrad(2.4) ********************* Tom added NCUTOFF for DR. 29/01/96 stg1r(2.17) minor ************************** Fixed bug (introduced by me in v2.15) which gives "wrong" (!) Blume & Watson screening when occupation numbers are not specified in the radial file. If they were specified then code was fine. 18/11/95 stg3r(2.12) ******************** Tom's energy shifts of N+1 CFG eigenvalues added. Useful for photoionization. See comments in code (NSHIFT) for details of use. 11/11/95 stg2r(2.29)/stgdw(2.15) ******************************** stg2r, fix nl writes to MIXDW.DAT for model potential operation. stgdw v2.15 can now follow a model potential run of stg1r/stg2r. Continuum waves are distorted by a direct core model potential only, and direct plus local exchange for the valence orbitals. Can also read-in observed term energies, rydbergs relative to ground, in same order as specified in stg2r (after any sorting) i.e. as listed in MIXDW.DAT. 07/11/95 stg2r(2.28) ******************** Fixed obvious bug of 15/10/95, nl's were being written to unit=2 instead of unit=22, causing read error from stgdw v2.14. 31/10/95 stgjk(2.14) ******************** Tom fixed an important bug affecting photoionization (and hence our damped code). 15/10/95 stg1r(2.16),stg2r(2.27),stgjk(2.13),stg3r(2.11),stglib(2.7),stgdw(2.14) ******************************************************************************** Cosmetic changes and esoteric bigfixes from Belfast, except stg2r/stgdw.f which now write/read the orbital definition list so that there can be no mismatch with the radial file (orbital numbers are not read by stg2r but stgdw did read them). Adding model potential to stgdw has still to be done but code now stops with an error message if this case is attempted. Added Bayliss alternative to Norcross for polarization potential. 14/10/95 preprmx.f ****************** A preprocessor that works for all the current inner and outer region codes is now available under /misc together with dimension files ppn (inner), ppa (outer) and ppnx (NX-LS) for people/places without the tedi editor. 04/10/95 FARM ************* Several bugfixes, this solves some problems we had with large cases in N and O with odd values of omega being overwritten with numbers of order d-311. 23/09/95 stg1r ************** Reads orbital occupation numbers from the radial file for use by Blume&Watson. Zeroes/blanks default to original R-matrix coding which assumes for orbital of pricipal quantum number n that there are complete closed shells upto n-1. Thus there is no 2s**2 for 2p but 3p can have 2p**6 even if there is only 2p**4! Hence new coding. Example of new orbital header card: -7 2 2 0 2.0 -97.975267 310 The 2.0 (F5.1) is the occupation number. 22/09/95 stg1r (minor) ********************** Now accepts semi-relativistic bound orbitals from AUTOSTRUCTURE and switches-off appropriate mass-velocity and Darwin integrals. Reads a label from the radial file to determine orbital type, default non-rel. 08/09/95 stgjk ************** Belfast reversed bugfix in SPINOR BUT NOT IN BSPNO. Doesn't affect Fe25+ for example but does affect Xe53+. The BSPNO bugfix was what corrected the long-range coefficients and hence our core radiative rates. 06/09/95 stg2r IMPORTANT ************************ On 17/08/95 I attempted to fix a bug in stg2r - the pseudo-resonance overlap matrix was being evaluated in BP mode, but of course nothing was set for it. In jumping around this evaluation I accidently skipped one line too many, this unfortunately had a rather non obvious effect on BP results. 30/08/95 stg2r ************** Skip writes in DMEL when there are zero-coupled channels for a given symmetry elsewise stgjk aborts. Reorder symmetries into odd and even when INAST=0, required for stgjk dipole matrices. 29/08/95 stg2r stgjk ******************** Don corrected write format error to tccdw in stgjk. Also changed sign of largest component of e-vector to be positive, for TCC comparisons with MCHF. 26/08/95 stgdw(2.13) ******************** Takes symmetry order input from stg2r and outputs energy order K-,T- matrices for difls and stgic. This completes the outstanding developments. 23/08/95 stgdw(2.12) ******************** A new release of stgdw which hopefully incorporates everyones favo(u)rite bits. Browse the comments to see what I mean. 18/08/95 stg2r stgjk ******************** Added RELOP='MVD' to stg2r to be used in conjunction with TCC run and stg(dw)ic. Modified TCC output via stgjk. 17/08/95 stg1r stg2r stgjk stg3r ******************************** stgjk IMPORTANT bug-fix for TCC's stg1r stg2r stg3r minor mods, including latest Belfast fixes. 16/08/95 stgg.basic ******************* A simplified version of my stgg is now available. It plots collision strengths from an omega file, nothing more. Requires the NCAR library. 14/08/95 stg2r stgdw(2.11) ************************** Joint release of stg2r/stgdw (v2.11) which treats L>LNOEX efficiently by skipping every other total spin. Specify MINST,MAXST as normal (i.e. as required for L<=LNOEX) everything should be handled transparently. DO NOT MIX THIS RELEASE WITH ANY EARLY VERSION OF STG2R/STGDW. 11/08/95 stgdw IMPORTANT ************************ Exchange overlap assumed one electron orbital energies POSITIVE. IMPACT format should be NEGATIVE, required by AUTOSTRUCTURE and recommended for R-matrix. Changed sign of overlap so NEGATIVE input assumed, Tom has changed Fischer's code. AS was always negative. 11/08/95 stgdw ************** Input (namelist) variables tweaked a little. Elastic omega's and T-mx evaluated now. Test on whether input orbitals too big for NMSHBD now works correctly. 08/08/95 NX codes ***************** stg1nx, stg2nx, stg3nx updated to be consistent with new B.P. codes. If you want to use them with the old OP codes you will need to cp/mv the OP files tapenx1 -> NX1.DAT and tapenx2 -> NX2.DAT 07/08/95 stg1r stgjk ******************** stg1r: Allow RELOP='TCC' input (equivalent to 'YES') stgjk: IDWOUT=2 correctly terminates after BOUNDJ (RELOP='TCC' not actually needed when IDWOUT=2) 05/08/95 stg1r stg2r stg3r (all minor) ************************************** stg1r: mods to mesh and finder for numerical problems encountered with neutrals. stg2r: mods to DW coding for CC operation. stg3r: pseudo-resonance removal OFF by default so as to think about TOLER 08/07/95 stg2r/stgdw RELEASE ******************************** The final major revision of the stg2r/stgdw suite has now taken place. All obvious major CPU time and memory bottlenecks have been removed. Only bug fixes and tweaks should remain. 07/07/95 stg2r ************** collision algebra now stored and summed internally, leads to much smaller file for stgdw and faster execution for stgdw- no duplication or searching for duplication. 06/07/95 stgdw ************** Added automatic use of direct access file for when number of channels gets too large to store all continuum orbitals intenally. Use of symmetry ordered data now tested by block for duplicate coefficients, no longer a bottleneck. Fixed a couple of bugs. Current version: 2.9 05/07/95 stgdw stg2r ******************** stgdw (V2.8) can now take SYMMETRY ORDERED data from STG2. This update is user transparent. stg2r has some minor mods for IDWOUT=2 and symmetry order. Thus you should update stg2r on updating stgdw. In large cases it is extremely important to use symmetry ordered terms in stg2r. Note below the ISORT parameter to help you with this. 01/07/95 stg2r stgdw ******************** Reduced dimension requirement of stg2r for IDWOUT=2 by adding &CHD: set=1 for IDWOUT=2 runs (large) and =&CHF for CC. Code checks for correct setting. Also, modified tagging of metastables so that can run symmetry order for stg2r with IDWOUT=2, note stgdw still needs energy order for now. Reduced dimension requirement of stgdw by adding NCHUD: set=NCHMD for (large) non-unitarized runs and =NCHFD for unitarized runs. This means that both stg2r and stgdw can deal with cases involving many thousands of channels and still only require 40-80Mb of memory. 29/06/95 stg1r minor ******************** Added NBUG9 to NAMELIST. Also helpful warning message about explicitly setting LAMAX in NAMELIST when MAXLA large causes memory/waste problems. 26/06/95 FARM bug ***************** A bug in FARM (gal/coul.f) has been corrected following notice from Valerie Burke. It ONLY affects IONS. 22/06/95 stg2r stg3r ******************* Dimension bug in Tom's pseudoresonance code fixed. In principle this could have affected TOLER=-1 runs but in practice only seems to have been a problem for large runs with TOLER=0.01. Have rewritten stg3r so that can use with TOLER=0.01, useful for debugging! Tidied things up a bit as well. 20/06/95 stg1r stg2r stgdw ************************** Updated to allow DW to work when model potential (IPSEUD=1) used to reduce size of "core" problem. 19/06/95 stgdw ************** Last tweak? v2.6 17/06/95 stgdw ************** Numerics and memory optimized, results in good speed-up and space for big problem. Also, IPERT added for even faster runs. 14/06/95 stg2r ************** Added NMETA for IDWOUT=2. For NMETA< .NE. 0 ? 05/05/94 Don stg1,vpm I have modified stg1 to used either the Norcross polarization potential or the Baylis potential: V= -(1/2)alpha*r^2/(r^2+rcut^2)^3. The STG1 input variable IPLFN is used to determine which function is to be used: IPLFN=1 for Norcross; IPLFN=2 for Baylis. Note the default is now set to Baylis. I have also made some very changes in STGVPM.f, after determining that the changes that Nigel made to write files for the differential and partial cross section codes are correct; of course, the output for the partial cross section code does not work on the Sun. The primary change is in the subroutine WRITOM. It will now properly print the omega file, including the the elastic collision strengths when ELAS='YES'. I have also increased the dimension on the number of channels from 40 to 60. 03/05/94 stgf (minor) If neutral STOP! Moved dimension tests about a bit. 30/04/94 Photoionization stgb,stgf,stgbf Minor fixes to photoionization operation (only IRAD=1 IPERT=0 worked). Warning, watch dimension &MNP in stgbf! 28/04/94 B.P. Codes BUG stg2r contained a bug, the unit number for the rkints direct access file was not defined (defaulted to zero) this caused the rkints file to be corrupted (on SUN, - CRAY ?) when stg2r execution completed. The results from this run were o.k. but any subsequent re-run of stg2r using the corrupted file gave weird errors. If stg2r always followed stg1r, or the rkints file was read-only, or rkints from stg1r was stored as a separate file and then re-instated then there was no problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also: stg1r and stg2r now write files for the NX code, needed if using model potential for the core. Minor bug in stg3r fixed, wouldn't recognize LRGL input for INAST.GT.0; should always use INAST=0 in anycase. 23/04/94 stgdw & stg2 ERROR in stgdw? In SR.CROSS label 171 should be 25 lines higher on IF(NUNIT.EQ.0)THEN Added write of MAXORB by stg2 to mixdw file for DW operation. Further adapted stgdw to operate when NRAD.GT.MAXORB; note previous problem was due to NRAD.LT.MAXORB. stgdw had more severe requirements than R-matrix tested-for. stgdw should now be consistent with what is allowed by R-matrix. 20/04/94 stgdw errors corrected for case of vacant orbital numbers. top-up extended. 15/04/94 stgf Fatal error in dipole top-up corrected, caused by my quadrupole top-up - sorry. 21/03/94 stg2 GAMMA -> LOG(GAMMA) 19/03/94 stg1 stg2 simplifying DW operation 18/03/94 stg2 High-l fixes for DW 17/03/94 rmatrix.dvi A tex file of a document describing the QUB codes is available as rmatrix.dvi it is about 125 pages long, happy reading. 17/03/94 stg*nx The NX codes have been updated to utilize model potentials as a continuation of a stg*r run. 17/03/94 stgfvpm.f Dons IPRRM writes implemented 16/03/94 stg1 stg2 minor changes 09/03/94 stgfvpm.f: skip evaulation of vanishingly small omegas (high-L). 04/03/94 High-L bug fix to stgf Top-up on vpm (stgfvpm.f) fixed. Output rewritten, use IPRINT=-2 and -1 21/02/94 Iron Project Breit-Pauli R-matrix codes. ************************************************* Use same (but revised) preprocessor as Opacity Project codes and same (but revised) ppn's. OP codes all updated for consistency with IP codes. The library stglib uses the dimensions pp2. IP codes to be run as stg1r stg2r | stglib stgjj | stglib stg3r | stglib stgf Sample datasets are provided for the Kr6+ problem If RELOP='NO' go 1,2,3; if RELOP='YES' go via jj. stgf is revised OP code. I have constructed a preprocessable stglib which uses pp2, seems o.k.! All input has been streamlined a la OP codes i.e. namelisted and free formatted. Test-run on C2+ looks o.k., fine-structure transitions required more basis orbitals (25) for convergence than LS operation (15). (Dipole) top-up is crude and untested; LS TOP cannot be applied. Model potential operation is eccentric. 10/02/94 stg2 Introduce MINLT,MAXLT,MINST,MAXST for automatic generation of total SLp's, useful for IDWOUT=2 high-L problem. 03/12/93 non-exchange R-matrix codes installed preprmxnx.f ppnx stg1nx stg2nx stg3nx To be run in sequence 1,2,3 after stg1 and stg2 have been run for at least one partial wave to produce tapenx1 tapenx2 for the non-exchange code. All three use dstgnx (UNIT5) and dstg3 needs to be available, but a trivial generic one can be used if there are no energy shifts. 30/10/93 stgf More high-L fixes, this time to Coulomb series. 29/10/93 stgf More high-L fixes, this time to open-channel long-range integrals. 27/10/93 stgf Introduction of variables MINLT & MAXLT into NAMELIST STGF to select only those SLp with L.GE.MINLT & L.LE.MAXLT, useful for non-exhange code where the use of IOPT1 would be tedious to select 100 cases say. 25/10/93 stgf Top-up of quadrupole transitions now done as well as dipole when LRGLAM specified .GT. 0. High-l tweaked including some REAL*16 for SUN which should become DOUBLE PRECISION on CRAY. Note on SUN that now use DOUBLE COMPLEX to be consistent with d.p. in rest of program, replace with COMPLEX on CRAY. 22/10/93 stg3 Bug-fixed that occurred when energy levels flipped by energy corrections (NEST .LT. 0) when INAST .GT. 0. INAST=0 enabled, i.e. a single pass is made through tape13 reading all partial wave data. 19/10/93 stg1 One- and two-body polarization potentials included a la' Mitroy, specify unique ALFD, RCUT and KCOR (last closed-shell orbital no.) in NAMELIST &STG1 of dstg1.