This README provides a brief indication of the job of the Utility codes present in this directory, and which can make life easier. See comments at the beginning of each code for details of usage. #adasex: Now subsumed in (symbolically linked to) adasexj. adasexj: Average an LS/JK/JJ OMEGA/U file to form an ADAS type 3, 4 or 5 adf04 file. adf04cmp: compare effective collision strengths from two type-3 adf04 files. adf04mrgr: replace the radiative data in one type-3 adf04 by that from a second. adf04mrgup: supplement one type-3 adf04 file with levels and upsilons from a second. asci2d00: convert a D00 directory file from formatted to unformatted. asci2dnm: convert a DNM dipole file from formatted to unformatted. asci2dvec: convert a dipole DVEC file from formatted to unformatted. asci2h: covert an H.DAT file from formatted to unformatted. burg: convert collision data from xtrct/xtrctups to Burgess reduced form. converth: A C program to convert binary H-files between machines wlo precision. converto: A C program to convert binary OMEGAU between machines wlo precision. d002asci: convert a D00 directory file from unformatted to formatted. dnm2asci: convert a DNM dipole file from unformatted to formatted. dvec2asci: convert a dipole DVEC file from unformatted to formatted. h2asci: covert an H.DAT file from unformatted to formatted. hmerge: merge (a subset of) two or more standard H.DAT files (Hmn.DAT) to single H.DAT. mconfig: generate config input for STG2, but more flexible than STG2 version. mdifls: generate LS-coupling differential cross sections from stgf LS KMAT.DAT file. mdifjk: generate jK-coupling differential cross sections from stgf BP KMAT.DAT file. mdstg2: convert a TERMS file from AUTOSTRUCTURE, that has been labelled with "skip" info, into suitable input for STG2. mdstgjk: convert a LEVELS file from AUTOSTRUCTURE, that has been labelled with "skip" info, into suitable input for STGJK/RECUPD. om2omu: convert a formatted OMEGA file to unformatted OMEGAU. omadd: add (interpolate) two collision strength files together. Can also reduce no. of scattering energies. omc2omr: convert a columnwise collision strength file to rowwise. omgcmp: compare two OMEGA files. omgmrg: merge two collision strength files. omorder: reorder and/or reduce target states of a collision strength file. omreduce: symbolic link to omorder, for reducing no. of transitions. omr2omc: convert a rowwise collision strength file to columnwise. omsumps: sum positive energy pseudo-state omegas without projection. omu2om: convert an unformatted OMEGAU file to formatted OMEGA. project: evaluate projection factors from pseudo continuum onto physical. testtcc: determine largest TCC component to be zeroed-out, for each level. xtrct: extract data for a single transition from an OMEGA/U collision strength file. xtrctg: read the xout file produced by xtrct and convolute with a Gaussian. xtrct_adf04: extract a transition from a standard adf04 file; type 1, 3, 4 or 5. #xtrctups: replaced by (symbolically linked to) the more general xtrct_adf04 code. NRB: 08/01/19 (European date standard day/mon/yr).